March 2023 Minutes
1-2 North End
PE20 3LR
CHAIRMAN: Councillor Carl Gibbard
CLERK: Mrs Victoria Clark
Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs V Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, held on Tuesday 21 March 2023 in the Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR
Present: Councillors Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Chelcei Trafford, Roger Welberry, Mike Brookes, Roy Hilton, Sean Trafford, Philippa Parnell, Ian Maclean, Keith Osbourne (who left the meeting after agenda item 8.V – 23/111 v) and the Clerk to the Council.
Also Present, five members of the public
7:00pm Public Forum: The Members of public introduced themselves, one to introduce himself and four to hear item 9.ii which the Chairman bought forward
23/104 Chairman’s remarks:
The chairman welcomed everyone
23/105 Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence
have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with valid reasons were received from Councillor George Cornah, on proposal from Councillor Hilton, seconded by Councillor C Trafford and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given
23/106 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Gibbard gave a declaration of interest in Gillrange Limited
23/107 To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 January 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
on proposal from Councillor Welberry, seconded by Councillor Maclean and with no objections all resolved to accept the minutes of 17 January 2023 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
23/108 To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 February 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
on proposal from Councillor Welberry, seconded by Councillor Brookes and with no objections all resolved to accept the minutes of 21 February 2023 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
Agenda Item 9 ii (23/112 ii) was bought forward for discussion
23/109 Financial matters:
i. Bank Balances as of 28 February 2023
£46,691.73 with £23.78 interest – Instant online
£39,135.52 Treasurers account
ii. To approve accounts for payment
V. Clark: February Staff Costs £1,100.85
S. Holland: January Maintenance inv.39 £232.50
B.T: March £44.34 (Paid)
Reuben Page: Aquatic Dye Treatment at Mackie’s Pit £780.00 (Paid)
GLL: Library Photocopies £1.69
On proposal from Councillor Parnell, seconded by Councillor Maclean and with no
objections all resolved to approve the above payments
iii. Triton Knoll end of grant report: Maintenance and repair at the park, approval of report
The £5,000 grant had not yet been spent, the Clerk has asked for a 6-month extension and would gain three quotes. Councillor Parnell would show Councillor S Trafford the work to be undertaken so that he can meet contractors on site, Councillor Parnell to send a list of works to the Clerk.
iv. To discuss and resolve council payroll outsourcing
After discussions and on proposal from Councillor Parnell, seconded by Councillor Welberry, with no objections all resolved to approve the outsourcing of payroll and pension to NB Accountancy for a one off set up fee of £100 & £15 per month fee. The Clerk to liaise with the company.
v. King Charles III Coronation: To discuss and resolve
After discussions and on proposal from Councillor Osbourne, seconded by Councillor C Trafford and with no objections all resolved to ask the Christmas Celebration Committee to run this important event and for the Council to Grant £500 to the Committee for this purpose.
23/110 Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning
applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and
appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this
notice and the day on the meeting
i. B/23/0029 Proposed construction of 2 replacement dwellings at the land adjacent, White House, Blackjack Road, PE20 3HH
No Objections
ii. B/23/0082 Approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following outline
approval B/21/0499 (Outline application with all matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) reserved for later approval for erection of one dwelling) at Dial House, Timms Drove, Low Grounds, PE20 3PG
No Objections
23/111 Clerks outstanding matters and correspondence
i. Sign for Boston Rd at North End: Update
No update
ii. Overhanging trees and dog fouling not cleared by owners in pathway between two properties in Abbey Road: Update
The trees have been cut and cleared
iii. Dog Fouling in Alley off Market Place
The area was cleared of dog mess but there is now more, cameras have been set up in the hope that owners will pick up after their dogs
iv. Gift left in a will for Swineshead Parish Council and the purchase of trees: Update
This will go on a future agenda
v. Footpath ploughed up off Millhill Lane: Update
This has been reported and can now come off the agenda
Councillor Osbourne left the meeting
vi. Approval to change the numbering on the minutes
On proposal from Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor Welberry and with no objections all resolved that as from the April meeting the Agenda and Minute item numbers will stay the same and each page of the Minutes will have a rolling number for the year April to March for the ease of cross-referencing agenda and minutes
vii. Highways increase in area of grass for maintenance: to discuss and resolve
On proposal from Councillor Welberry, seconded by Councillor S Trafford and with no objections all resolved to agree to the increase
The Clerk will ask the contractor if they look after the extra cuts
23/112 Councillor’s Reports:
i. To discuss/resolve costs & purchasing of traffic calming sign/s
To be on a future agenda
The next item was discussed after Agenda item 4 (23/108)
ii. Options for Library, Community Hub and Village Archive: To discuss and resolve
The history of the library at the Methodist Church was explained also the restriction details of the new agreement and increased rent.
The rent increase asked for was £200 from £25 per month with the limited time and usage restrictions it was suggested that the council give a counteroffer of £150 per month, on proposal from Councillor Maclean, seconded by Councillor Hilton, with only one objection from Councillor Osbourne, all remaining resolved for Councillor Maclean, as Chairman of the Community Hub and Library Committee to offer this amount to the Methodist Church.
With the need for a Village Archive base, the Council had been speaking to the Friends of St. Mary’s Church about the possibility of having the base and possibly a community hub in the Church Hall. A contract would need to be in place and it was suggested this be for 12 months initially at a cost of £200 per month, on proposal from Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor Parnell and with no objections all resolved to agree.
iii. Trees in the village: An update from Councillor Welberry
An update was given
iv. Bollards at Coney Hill: To approve type and cost
After discussions and on proposal from Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor S Trafford and with no objections all resolved to give delegated powers to Councillors Brookes, Gibbard and S Trafford to research and purchase 10 bollards up to a cost of £1,890.00 excluding VAT
23/113 Date for the next meeting/s: Tuesday 18 April 2023 also to discuss and resolve the date for
the Annual meeting of the Parish Council in May after the election date of 4 May 2023
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held directly after the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 16 May in the Council offices
CHAIRMAN:……………………………………………… DATE: Tuesday, 18 April 2023