August 2023 Minutes Extraordinary meeting
1-2 North End
PE20 3LR
CHAIRMAN: Councillor Carl Gibbard
CLERK: Mrs Victoria Clark
Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the Swineshead Parish Council extra ordinary meeting, held on 16 August 2023, in the Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR
Present: Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Mike Brookes, Lisa Baldwin, Roger Welberry and David Lemon
Public Forum:
No public in attendance
Lincolnshire County Council
Councillor Mike Brookes gave information on Boston Road, a significant portion has been resurfaced, and the remainder of the road is structurally sound, requiring no further maintenance.
The Meeting was opened at 10:10am
1. Chairman’s remarks:
The Chairman welcomed those attending
The police have received the names of individuals responsible for vandalising the objects in the playground with graffiti.
It is hoped that an open day can be arranged with the local PCSOs
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were received from Councillors, Will Chalmers, Sean Trafford, Roy Hilton, Chelcei Trafford, Phillipa Parnell and Ian Maclean
On proposal from Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor Baldwin and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given.
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Gibbard declared an interest in Gillrange Limited
4. Financial matters: To approve the following payments:
i. Balance of inv.278 £960.00 refurbishment and materials for Play Area Odd Job Scott
ii. Refurbishment and siting of Skate Ramp £450.00 Odd Job Scott
iii. Gravel for War Memorial £150.00
iv. Staff Costs £1,263.21
v. Payroll services £15.00 NB Accountancy
vi. To agree to payments from LALC for lunches provided during training sessions
Late In: Steve Holland July inv. 58 £527
On proposal from Councillor Lemon, seconded by Councillor Welberry and with no objections, all resolved to approve the above payments
5. Public right of way at Manwaring Way, to discuss: Councillor Mike Brookes
Councillor Brookes was asked by LCC if the village had any footpaths that need improvement
The condition of this footpath has deteriorated since it was originally surfaced with gravel. The Parish Council would like to have it reinstated with a proper, durable surface.
6. Footpath # 10 (Church Lane to A17), to discuss re-route: Councillor Mike Brookes
Due to landowner objections on having bridleways the Parish Council believe a public right of
way might be a more suitable alternative
Councillor Brookes and the Clerk will look at the footpath map and put a reply together
Councillor Hilton will be asked to speak to the landowner
The meeting was closed at 10:48am
Chairman: C. Gibbard Date: Tuesday, 19 September 2023