June 2022 Agenda (15th)


Swineshead Pre-School Centre
North End
PE20 3LZ   

EMAIL: swinesheadpc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.swineshead.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk

CHAIRMAN: Councillor Carl Gibbard               

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which will be held on Wednesday June 15th 2022, commencing at 7.30pm. The meeting will be held at the Office of Swineshead Parish Council, 1-2 North End. Swineshead.

The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the meeting is open to the public and press. The meeting will be preceded by a 15-minute public forum between 19:30 and 19:45 during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Councillors are requested to be in attendance during this period.

Signature:                 (Chairman)

Date:    10/06/2022


Public Forum, followed by chairman’s remarks

1.   To receive apologies for absence and reasons given

2.   To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

3.   To agree whether the minutes of the meeting held on 23/05/22 are to be confirmed and signed an accurate record of the meeting

4.   Financial matters:

To approve accounts for payment (see attached)

5.   To consider the following planning matters:

B/22/0218; Land to North of, Magnolia, High Green, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3JR

6.   To consider the register of correspondence received since the last meeting

7.   Councillor’s Reports

Cllr CT: To discuss correspondence from Lincolnshire Housing Partnership with regards to helping Swineshead residents who are in need of financial assistance

Cllr KO: To discuss the conditions of the bends between The Hall and The Elephant, especially the white lines

Cllr KO: To discuss footpaths and rights of way in the village

Cllr KO: To discuss a way forward with regards to “Councillors Reports” on future agendas

8.   To discuss correspondence dated 29/04/22 from Boston Borough Council regarding a recommended repair to a streetlight on Stump Cross at a cost of £1075 +VAT

9.   To discuss correspondence dated 09/05/22 from Lincolnshire County Council requesting for confirmation of how Library and Community Hub funding is being used

To be discussed in closed session (members of public and press will be asked to leave the meeting):

10.   To discuss and agree the employment conditions (including pay award) of the new clerk

11.   To consider and agree the suggested contract of employment for the new clerk