November 2022 Agenda


1-2 North End
PE20 3LR    
CHAIRMAN: Councillor Carl Gibbard                
Mrs Victoria Clark

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Members of the Council are summoned to attend the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, to be held on Monday 14 November 2022, commencing at 7.00pm in the Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR

Prior to the commencement of the meeting there will be a public forum for a maximum of 15 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.
Also a maximum further 10 minutes will be set aside for the meeting to receive reports of the Police, elected members of Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council,

V Clark    Mrs Victoria Clark                        Date:     08/10/2022
Clerk/Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer to the Swineshead Parish Council

1.    Chairman’s remarks
2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
3.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
4.    To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 10 October 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
5.    Financial matters:
I.    Bank Balances as of 31 October 2022 £48,798.96
II.    To approve accounts for payment: Attached 
III.    Approve/amend grant application form and policy
IV.    To discuss/approve purchase of small projector screen  
V.    Budget 2023-2024 and precept request: To receive and consider recommendations from the Finance Committee
6.       Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning   
         applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and  
         appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this   
         notice and the day on the meeting
i.     Proposed front and side single storey extension at Two Sisters, Forefen Lane, Fen Houses, PE20 3HW
7.    Councillor’s Reports
I.    New position for the bench removed from the Memorial to help stop A.S.B
II.    Yellow Lines on the High Street: Update
III.    Providing Warm Space in Lincolnshire: Discuss supporting the local community – Cllr. Gibbard
IV.    Cost of living crisis: Lincolnshire Community Foundation Grant 
V.    White speed markers painted on the road through the village: To discuss – Cllr. Hilton
8.    Clerk’s outstanding matters and correspondence 
I.    St. Mary The Virgin Church: Notice of intension to discontinue burials – Updates 
II.    Community Speed Watch – Approve purchasing advance notification signs
III.    Condition of the Wheatsheaf: To discuss any updates 
IV.    Lincs Reservoir Project Consultation: To discuss any comments
V.    Council to join SLCC Click here for benefits of joining. Joining fee of £12 plus full year subscription £171
VI.    School Governor Application
VII.    Discuss application for grant monies
VIII.    East Midlands Boundary Commission for England: To discuss new proposal 
9.    Date for the next meeting: