April 2022 Agenda


Swineshead Pre-School Centre
North End
PE20 3LZ   

EMAIL: swinesheadpc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.swineshead.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk

CHAIRMAN: Councillor Carl Gibbard               

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which will be held on Tuesday April 26th 2022, commencing at 7.30pm at Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 Northend. 

The meeting will be preceded by a 15-minute public forum between 19:30 and 19:45 during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Councillors are requested to be in attendance during this period.

Natalie Grant
(Temporary Clerk to the Swineshead Parish Council)

Date:    21/04/2022

Tuesday 26th April 2022


Public Forum, followed by response from Chairman

1.   To receive apologies for absence and reasons given

2.   To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

3.   To agree whether the minutes of the meeting held on 29/03/22 are to be confirmed and signed an accurate record of the meeting

4.   Financial matters:

To receive and agree the 2021/22 Final Account Summary

Update on financial matters

Accounts for Payment (see attached)

5.   To receive the Internal Auditor’s Report for Year End 2021/22

6.   To agree the Annual Governance Statements 2021/22

7.   To agree the Annual Accounting Statements for 2021/22

8.   To agree to submit the relevant paperwork for the 2021/22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return

9.   Planning:

B/22/0098; 3 Gunfleet Close, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3NF

B/22/0149; The Chestnuts, High Street, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3LH

B/22/0143; Reflex Labels, North End Business Park, Station Road, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3PW

B/22/0137; Two Ways Bungalow, Railway Line Road, Swineshead Bridge, Boston  PE20 3PU

10.   To receive the list of correspondence received since the last meeting

11.   To consider a donation request of £50 towards a “Volunteers Week” event being held in the village

12.   To consider a donation request of up to £4800 towards repair at the Methodist Chapel (incorporating the Community Library) on High Street

13.   To agree to sign the Library and Community Hub Grant Variation Form 2022/23 and submit

14.   To agree to accept the two grants, totalling £3000, from Boston Borough Council’s “Empowering Healthy Communities Councillor’s Community Grant Scheme” and Earmark this money for the refurbishment of Coney Hill into a “Covid Reflection Area”

15.   To agree to the annual subscription of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils at a cost of £623.44

16.   To agree to the LALC Annual Training Scheme at a cost of £135 + VAT

17.   To agree to the LALC Annual Website Maintenance Scheme at a cost of £150

18.   Clerk’s report

19.   Update on Clerk recruitment