July 2019 Minutes


Present:                              C Karen Cartwright, C Georges Cornah, C Mike Brookes, C Alan Hughes, , C Ray Butler, .C Keith Osborne: C Roy Hilton C Roger Welberry, C Nicholas Gooder, C Pillipa Parnell

Also Present:                      PCSO Neil Williams & PSCO Kosiba

Public Forum                      None


Meeting started at 7.30 pm


19/048   Chairman’s Remarks:



19/049  Apologies for absence and reasons given.

C Chelcei Sharman gave apologies

It was resolved to accept apologies for absence and reasons given.


19/050  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.



19/051   Police report.

Please accept apologies from the police, we will be unable to attend tonight’s meeting.

Since the last meeting there have been 3 reported crimes within the parish which are as follows:

1.13/06/19 – Theft of motor vehicle, Mercedes stolen from driveway of property at North End – under investigation

2. 02/07/19 – Burglary, Swineshead Chip Shop, South Street, till and cash stolen from inside – under investigation

3 03/07/19 – Theft from Swineshead Co-op, large quantity of meat stolen – under investigation


19/052  Notes of the meetings held on 10.06.19 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The minutes were adjusted to remove the comment that the milestones were on the register for Listed Buildings as this was stated at the meeting.

It was resolved to accept the above notes.  The notes were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


19/053    Financial matters: Financial report, accounts for payment and budget figures up to 03/07/2019.

Date Source of Income Total Amount
9/6/2019 Interest 2.04
23/6/19 Swineshead Enhancement - Notice board 1193.86
  Total Income 1195.90






Date Purpose of Expenditure Total Amount
28/06/19 Office rent - clerk 20.00
18/06/2019 Mobile Phone 20.02
28/06/2019 Library Rent 21.00
06/06/2019 BBC Tarry Hill light 780.00 
06/06/2019 BBC Browns Drove 3744.00 
13/06/2019 CAB donation 50.00
13/06/2019 Swineshead Twinning donation 50.00
16/06/2019 BT Library Phone 73.18
17/06/2019 SMW Contractors - Grass 400.00
25/06/2019 CPO Garden maintenance - Planters 340.0
30/06/2019 N Bush Clerk 804.96
31/06/2019 S Holland Gardener 510.00
Total Expenditure   6913.16


The Clerk commented that the 2 invoices for street lights had been received and also a chasing letter and the question was raised as to whether these were to be offset against the precept.  It was the understanding of the Councillors that when the lights were taken over the invoices would be deducted from the next years precept .  It was resolved that the Clerk would contact the Borough to question this.

The Clerk reported that a price plan update had been received for the mobile phone, but this is for prices outside the current plan and the phone is mainly used for incoming calls so would not affect the bill.

It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment.

ACTION: Clerk to make outstanding payments and contact the Borough regarding the lighting bills


19/054  Planning Applications –

B/19/0225 - Erection of dwelling with attached garage and alteration to vehicular access Plot Adjacent to The Chestnuts, South Street

Cllr KO reported that this was just a retrospective application for changes made during the build of a garage changing to become a lounge. It was therefore resolved that not comments needed to be made


19/055  Correspondence

Lincolnshire County Council            Mail – Fire safety notices – posted on website, noticeboard

Boston Borough Council                  Email – Asking the location of any defibrillators in the village. – Replied to regarding the location of the Parish Council’s.

LALC                                                  Email – Monthly newsletter – Emailed to Cllrs 10/6/19

LALC                                                  Email – Weekly news – Emailed to Cllrs 10/6/19

Boston Borough Council                  Mail – Events Posters – Posted on website, facebook & noticeboard 14/6/19

Lloyds Bank                                      Mail – Changes to online banking

LALC                                                  Email – Weekly news – Emailed to Cllrs 17/6/19

Matt Warman                                  Mail – Surgery dates – Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website, facebook & noticeboard 18/6/19

BAEF                                                 Mail – Details of Public Information Days - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website, facebook & noticeboard 18/6/19

Lincs County Council                        Email – Road Closure Millhill Lane – Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website, facebook & noticeboard 20/6/19

Triton Knoll                                      Email – Archaeology Exhibition - Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website, facebook & noticeboard 20/6/19

LALC                                                  Email – Weekly news – Emailed to Cllrs 25/6/19

Contractor                                        Email – Photos of new planters in situ – Emailed to Cllrs 25/6/19

Lincs County Council                        Email – Speed Restriction A17 – Emailed to Cllrs, posted on website, facebook & noticeboard 25/6/19

Lincs County Council                        Email – Funding regarding community pubs – Emailed to Cllrs 02/07/19

Lincs County Council                        Email – Broadband funding – Emailed to Cllrs 2/7/19


19/056  Councillors reports.

Cllr GC confirmed he is now on the following committees of Boston Borough Council and at the moment they are putting together the work programmes for these committees for the forth coming term

  • Audit and Governance Committee
  • Corporate and Community Committee
  • Licencing Committee
  • Substandards Committee
  • Environment and Performance Committee

Cllr PP confirmed that the playground inspection for June took place and that the playground is being well used.

Cllr MB has been approached by a resident regarding the progress of obtaining a Defib for Swineshead Bridge and he confirmed to them that we were still looking for a suitable location.  The Barge is due to re-open at the end of the Summer and this may be a suitable location.

In addition Cllr MB confirmed they were still looking for volunteers for the Cancer Research Collection, an appeal was placed in the Swineshead Life and he asked that this also be placed on the facebook site

Cllr KO raised the subject of the week growth in the gutters and asked when the next treatment was due and also when another road sweep was due..  Cllr MB confirmed the first treatment had taken place and the County Council were planning to do an additional one and Cllr GC agreed he would find out when the next road sweep would be.

Cllr KO asked if anything had been heard back from the Railway, the clerk confirmed no response had been received and that a letter had been written to MP Matt Warman regarding this.

Cllr KO discussed the shifting of soil by Breedon to and from the Ashcroft estate and that he had complained to the company about the speed of their lorries through the village.

Cllr KO asked about the Blackjack junction and Cllr MB confirmed that a feasibility study was to take place to see if any improvements could be made.

Cllr KO also commented that a traffic survey had taken place on Church Lane

Cllr KC raised concerns about the junction coming out of Ashwood Homes and that parked vehicles were making the junction blind and that the possibility of Yellow lines was discussed during the walkabout with Lincs County Council.  Cllr MB replied to say it had initially been a no to this but that he has a meeting with Highways and will raise this again.

Cllr KC commented on how the hanging baskets in the Market place look really good.

Cllr KC raised concerns about the Wheatsheaf carpark and the mess it looked with all the weeds.  It was resolved that the clerk would write to the owners via the agents to complain and include photographs..

Cllr RH confirmed he had chopped back some of the trees on Steyning lane as they were an obstruction and cut back trees near the planters.

Cllr RH produced photographs and locations for the milestones he had located which he passed to the clerk and it was resolved that the clerk would write a letter to Highways with our concerns about the condition and that we would like to see them renovated including the photo’s and a map of their location.

Cllr NG reported he had received complaints regarding speeding and dog fouling and also asked who the land next to pre=school belonged to as he had seen workmen taken water from the site.  It was confirmed this land belonged to the Poor Charity, who had initially sold them the site.

Cllr RW asked about the new date for the Red Cross Training and the clerk confirmed is was booked for 25th September 7pm – 9pm.  He also confirmed the new noticeboard at Mackays Pit was going to be put in place on Wednesday at 10am.

Cllr RB reported he had pulled a tree from the footpath between King John Road and Milne Green as it had become unstable in the wet weather and that he had trimmed back hedges to make it more accessible

Cllr AH reported that the new wall at the Church Hall was in progress however the Salt bin had been pushed away and is now blocking the path.


ACTION:  Clerk to add Cancer Research advert to the facebook page, Cllr GC to speak to BBC regarding road sweep.


19/057 Clerks report.

King Johns Road No 11 light – Reported again 18/6/19 under a new report (352467)

  • 20/6/19 received email to say assessed and repair raised

Surface Water – Golden Cross Development - Cllr MB reported that the job has now been committed so should go ahead in 4-6 weeks

Wheatsheaf  - Boston Borough council notified of interest in the Wheatsheaf. 

  • Heritage Lincolnshire contacted who are contacting others at Lincolnshire County Council that may be able to assist.
  • Dates received for potential meeting

Garden Competition – locations distributed to Councillors

Scouts & Beavers contact and pleased we will supply bags and they will fill them up

Letter of thanks sent to J Wright re litter picking

Letters re Hedges – 2 standard letters regarding cutting back hedges sent at the request of Cllr MB

Village planters - now in place

Baskets in the Market place – These are not on the asset register, contact has been made with the insurance company – they are covered for 3rd party liability as long as they are inspected each year.  Material damage is not covered

Play area inspection booked for August 19

Meeting dates submitted to Boston Borough Council

Swineshead Bridge Level Crossing – Still no reply from the Railway, Letter sent to Matt Warman

Library Reading Competition – Posters produced to be handed out at the school.

British Red Cross Training -  Unfortunately clerk had a mix up on this so it did not go ahead – new date set for 25th September 2019

SID Brackets.  ~The clerk reported that she had been unable to find the quote for the brackets so has emailed again to get another quote.  It was resolved that the clerk would send out the quote once it was received.

ACTION. Clerk to email out quote for the SID Brackets and send a copy of the Library poster to Cllr KO.


19/058  Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr AH asked if any of the Councillors wished to stand as Vice Chair with no one coming forward.  It was resolved that an Ad Hoc arrangement would be in place, whereby some one would be elected to cover at the beginning of a meeting if their Chair was not present.  Cllr AH thanked Cllr KC for offering to chair the meetings if need be.



19/059  Finance Committee meeting Dates

Finance Committee meeting dates agreed for 23rd September 2019 and 27th January 2019.

ACTION: Clerk to email dates out to the Committee.


19/060  The Wheatsheaf ACV

The Clerk reported that she had spoken to Heritage Lincolnshire and the lady has also made contact with Lincolnshire County Council.  It was agreed that the meeting would be on Wednesday 17th July at

ACTION: Clerk to Confirm the meeting date with Heritage Lincolnshire and the Chapel.


19/061  Memorial Gardens

A discussion took place regarding improvements being needed within the Memorial and Cllr KC showed a picture she had been sent of how it used to look before everything grew much bigger.  It was resolved to have a site meeting on Thursday 18th July at 6.30 to see what needed to be done and to add this to the agenda for the next meeting to discuss and agree a plan. In addition it was resolved that the Clerk contact the Secretary of the British Legion to inform them of the plans.

ACTION: Clerk to add the Memorial to the Agenda

Meeting closed 8.53pm