November 2019 Minutes
Present: C Georges Cornah, C Mike Brookes, C Alan Hughes, C Chelcei Sharman, C Ray Butler, .C Keith Osborne: C Roy Hilton C Roger Welberry,
Also Present:
Public Forum 3 Residents attended
Meeting started at 7.30 pm
19/118 Chairman's remarks
19/119 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
PCO Neil Williams unable to attend, Cllrs KC, PP & NG gave apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence and reasons given.
19/120 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr CS declared an interest in all matters of planning under item 8 of the agenda on the grounds of being a substitute member of the planning committee at Boston Borough Council.
Cllrs MB, RB, RH, RW, GC all declared a conflict of Interest in regard to Planning application B/19/0403.
19/121 Police report.
PCSO Neil Williams sent in the following report
Reported crimes are as follows:
04/11/19 Theft of power tools from vehicle, South Street – under investigation
06/11/19 Burglary to garage, South Street – under investigation
07/11/19 Theft of power tools from vehicle, Stump Cross Lane – under investigation
09/11/19 Damage to dwelling, Cragg Close – under investigation
19/122 Draft minutes of the meetings held on 14.10.19 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
Cllr KO raised an error in minute no 19/109, the Yew tree being at the entrance of Ferndale House and not Mon Ami. This was corrected and it was resolved to accept the above draft minutes. These were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
19/123 Financial matters: Financial report, accounts for payment and budget figures up to 06/11/2019.
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
10/10/2019 |
Interest |
1.59 |
04/11/2019 |
Library Grant |
2,569.38 |
01/11/2019 |
Allotment Rent |
886.00 |
01/11/2019 |
Allotment Rent |
661.00 |
04/11/2019 |
Allotment Rent |
450.00 |
Total Income |
4567.97 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
28/10/2019 |
Office rent - Clerk |
20.00 |
18/10/2019 |
Mobile Phone |
20.02 |
28/10/2019 |
Library Rent |
23.00 |
Sub Total |
63.02 |
16/10/2019 |
BT - Library Phone Bill |
79.13 |
31/10/2019 |
N Bush |
804.96 |
05/11/2019 |
S Holland |
360.00 |
Sub Total |
1244.09 |
Total |
1307.11 |
Date |
Transfer Details |
Amount |
25/10/2019 |
Transferred from Current to Savings |
£ 8,000.00 |
The clerk reported that the income for the year has now been received both for the Allotment rents and the Precept and that the VAT reclaim is underway
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments
19/124 Planning Applications –
B/19/0403 – Erection of single storey side extension at Green Dragon, Market Place
Due to declarations of interest the meeting was not quorate on this matter so were unable to discuss the plans or make comments
B/19/0435 – Replacement of five sash windows on the front elevation at The Chestnuts, South Street
Windows are like for like wooden ones so no comments or concerns
B/19/0436 – Proposed new access to Station Road at The Blue Shed, Station Road
The application does not state what the building is to be used for or the type of traffic that will be using the new entrance.This raised concerns over safety.
The Councillors would therefore like further information on the type and volume of vehicles that will be using this entrance and more information on the category of use of the building.
Action: Clerk to advice planning department of comments made
19/125 Correspondence

19/126 Councillors reports.
Cllr RW – reported that the Gardening Club were looking at taking on the planting of the two new village planters and looking after them. In addition, he reported the troughs around the Market Place were to be refreshed on Wednesday morning.
Cllr MB – confirmed that the old CCTV equipment had been removed and asked if this could be disposed of. Cllr KO proposed, and Cllr RH seconded the disposal of the equipment and all were in favour. In addition, he reported that the 215 notice had been issued on the 14th October and takes effect on 14th November with a 3 month timescale for the clearing to be carried out. Cllr MB showed the Councillors the New Town & Parish magazine that is now coming out and asked if the Clerk had received this, which she had not but agreed to check in case it had gone into the Spam emails. Cllr MB confirmed he has received the transformer for the xmas lignts from Mr Welberry-Smith along with the quotes for new lights he had obtained before leaving the Council of approx. £700. It was resolved that the clerk would check the budget provision and if necessary, bring this back to the December meeting before the Precept is confirmed.
Cllr RH – confirmed that the stumps at North End Gardens have now been dug out. In addition, he thanked Cllr MB for sorting the drainage for the footpath outside the Pub on North End.
Cllr RB – reported that trees are overhanging the road at Mill Hill. It was resolved that the clerk would report this to highways
Cllr KO – confirmed that he had opened up the Memorial Gardens for Sunday and Monday. He has also identified a broken manhole cover and will forward details to the Clerk to report. In addition, he asked that the Road Sweeper come into the village due to the large no of leaves.
Cllr GC – reported that the Duck Pond on Coles Lane was currently in line with the footpath level and may cause some flooding.
Cllr CS – reported that good feedback on the clearing of the Memorial Gardens was received from the Pub
Action: Clerk to report overhanging trees on Mill Hill
19/127 Clerks report.

19/128 ACV Wheatsheaf
The Clerk reported that she has spoken again to the agent and the date has not yet been arranged as they are trying to tie it in with another property in the area. It was resolved that the Clerk would make contact with Boston Borough Council regarding us not being able to gain access as our 6 months to put a proposal together is running out.
Action:. Clerk to make contact with Boston Borough Council
19/129 - Memorial Maintenance
Cllr AH has received a quote from Matt Burt of Lincs Memorial to clean the memorial and repair the stone work and also clean the steps and path and rewrite the names for £1,750.This does not include the top of the memorial as this would require scaffolding and he had concerns that cleaning that section could endanger it. Cllr KO asked that the missing name of the 1920 serving soldier be identified and added.It was resolved that Cllr AH would look into the cost of Scaffolding.
Cllr AH has received a quote for grinding the stumps from A Appleby for £250.It was resolved that this could go ahead.
Cllr RB reported that weed protection sheet was being donated by Colin Luesby Interiors and 3 quotes have been obtained for Concrete edging and Gravel, which have been passed to the Clerk. Discussion took place regarding putting together a planting regime and it was resolved that a small working party would be put together to make a plan.The clerk reported that she had not had a response from Scania as yet and it was resolved that this would be followed up.
Action: Working party to meet to discuss design and planting regime. Clerk to contact Scania to see if they will support the planting
19/130 Play Area Inspection Report Actions
Cllr AH reported that he has met with UK Bonding Surfacing and he has received a quote from them to replace the safety matting for £26,000.He also reported that he had looking into the Tritton Knoll funding and this type of work fits into what they offer funding for.Cllr AH asked that he be given the go ahead to obtain 2 more quotes and then submit the Tritton Knoll application. It was resolved that Cllr AH could go ahead with this.
Action: Cllr AH to obtain further quotes and submit funding application
19/131 Resident Concerns/ Requests
- Speed Reduction A52
The Clerk reported that she had received a letter from one resident and a telephone call regarding the speed on the A52 around the Drayton Junction. Cllr MB confirmed that he had raised this again at his last meeting and that the feasibility Study is still on going. It was resolved that the Clerk would contact Graeme Butler to ask for a progress report and when we are likely to see proposals coming forward and report this back to the residents.
- Night Lighting – Kings Crescent
The Clerk reported that she had received a telephone call asking if one of the lights on Kings Crescent could be left on overnight as the resident has experienced issues late at night/early morning, which she has reported to both the Police and the Housing Association. Cllr MB informed the meeting that it was not recommended to turn back on just one light and therefore if we were to do this would need to be for the whole street.
Action: Clerk to Email Graeme Butler and report back to residents
Meeting closed 8.49 pm