July 2021 Agenda
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which will be held on Monday July 19th, 2021, commencing at 7.30pm at Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 Northend.
The meeting will be preceded by a 15-minute public forum between 19:30 and 19:45 during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Councillors are requested to be in attendance during this period.
Signature: Natalie Grant (Temporary Clerk to the Swineshead Parish Council)
Date: 14/07/21
Public Forum, followed by response from Chairman
1. Chairman’s remarks
2. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given
3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. To receive a report of recent police activity in the village
5. To agree whether the minutes of the meeting held on 14/06/21 are to be confirmed and signed an accurate record of the meeting.
6. Financial matters: Update on financial matters, accounts for payment, budget figures and finance report
Matters arising from Finance Committee meeting on 05/07/2021:
To review and adopt the Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee, as recommended by the Finance Committee
To review and adopt Financial Regulations, as recommended by the Finance Committee
To review and agree on changes to the signatories on the bank account, as recommended by the Finance Committee
The consider and agree to moving the finances and accounts to Scribe, an online accounting package, at a cost of £197 for the setup then £24 per month payable annually a year in advance, as recommended by the Finance Committee
To review and agree to conduct bi-annually internal audits, as recommended by the Finance Committee
7. Planning:
B/21/0330: 13 Browns Drove, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3PX
B/21/0279: Swan Lake Lodges, Boston Road, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3HB
B/21/0271: 2 Milne Green, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3NP
B/21/0274: 13 Meres Way, Swineshead, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3FG
8. To consider the register of correspondence received since the last meeting
9. To receive Councillors’ verbal reports
10. To receive Clerk’s verbal report
11. To discuss and agree locations for new bins in the village as suggested by Boston Borough Council
12. To discuss and agree the new agreement with the Methodist Chapel with regards to the Community Hub
13. To discuss any progress regarding a new location for the Parish Office and agree to either extend the current lease or move to another suitable location
14. To consider the quotation to install the new defibrillator cabinet at Swineshead Bridge and move the existing one to the Church Hall at a cost of £200 + VAT
15. To consider appropriate signage for the telephone box at Swineshead Bridge and agree to accept the donation of the signage from Clarke Design & Media
16. To discuss and agree to the annual play area inspection at a cost of £68.50 + VAT
17. To discuss and agree to Councillor Training on the one-day RoSPA Routine Playground Inspection Course at a cost of £260 for Cllr Philippa Parnell
18. To discuss the matter of supporting a member of the public to reduce the speed limits on Browns Drove and agree a course of action
19. To discuss grass cutting at Swineshead Bridge and agree to adding this area to our grass cutting schedule for the rest of this season at an additional cost to the current contract