March 2021 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next VIRTUAL meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which will be held on Monday March 8th 2021, commencing at 19:30 electronically via Zoom.

Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the meeting is open to the public and press. If a member of the public wishes to attend the online meeting, they must contact the Clerk beforehand to request the Meeting ID and Password.

The meeting will be preceded by a 15 minute public forum between 19:30 and 19:45 during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Councillors are requested to be in attendance during this period.

Signature:         (Temporary Clerk to the Swineshead Parish Council) Date:    03/03/21


Public Forum, followed by response from Chairman

1.    To sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Mr C. Gibbard following the co-option process to fill a vacancy on the Parish Council.

2.    Chairman’s remarks

3.    To receive apologies for absence and reasons given

4.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

5.    To discuss the new working practice for Zoom meetings, including Zoom subscription

6.    Police report

7.    Draft minutes of the meeting held on 15/02/21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes

8.    Financial matters: Accounts for payment, budget figures and finance report

9.    To discuss the temporary clerk’s access to online banking and signatory powers

10.    To discuss options for a new Parish Office

11.    To discuss quotation SLE/31757/GC for the replacement of streetlight #18 on Abbey Road

12.    To discuss grass cutting contract for 2021/22

13.    Planning:

B/21/0065 Single storey rear extension to existing garage to form annexe at 14, Townfield Lane, Swineshead, PE20 3EP

14.    Correspondence

15.    Councillors’ reports

16.    Clerk’s report

17.    An update regarding Swineshead Wombles, including the Annual Village Litter Pick (ST/MB)

18.    To discuss Coney Hill Layby, including a suggestion from a member of public (ST/MB)

19.    To discuss the Northend Quadrant (RH)

20.    To discuss whether the Councillors should move to using dedicated email addresses for Parish Council matters

21.    To discuss the applications for the position of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer