February 2021 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which will be held on Monday 15th February 2021, commencing at 19:30 electronically via Zoom. Member of the public are permitted to dial in to the meeting. Please contact the clerk for log in details. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

The meeting will commence with a 15 minute public forum between 19:30 and 19:45 during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Your attendance is necessary during this period.

Signature:  Ann Fletcher                   Clerk to the Swineshead Parish Council

Date: 10.2.21


  1. Public Forum.
  2. To sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Mr S. Trafford following the co-option process to fill a vacancy on the Parish Council.
  3. To elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to stand until the next annual meeting of the Parish Council in May 2021.
  4. Chairman’s remarks.
  5. Apologies for absence and reasons given.
  6. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
  7. Police report.
  8. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 11.1.21 and the draft minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 8.2.21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
  9. Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures.
  10. Planning: B/21/0008, Two storey extension including double garage at Rose Cottage, North End, Swineshead.
  11. Correspondence
  12. Councillors’ reports.
  13. Clerk’s report
  14. To discuss the request from the Methodist Church for an increase to the standing order from £23 to £25 per month.
  15. To discuss the quote of £350 to replace an old 35w lantern in street light number 1, at North End, Swineshead (opposite the old shop).
  16. To discuss ordering the fishing platforms for Mackay’s Pit.
  17. To discuss the idea of a village litter picking group MB/ST
  18. To discuss the requirement for additional bins/dog bins and the cost of the different types of bin.
  19. To confirm renewal of the LALC annual training scheme at a cost of £150. Budget allocation is £150 for the 21/22 period.
  20. To review the Council’s charity representative for Harlock’s charity for the next three years.
  21. An update on the defibrillator for Swineshead Bridge.
  22. An update on the vacancy for the position of clerk and responsible financial officer.
  23. To discuss letters received from two members of the public.
  24. To discuss the vacancies for Councillors and the applications received.