December 2024 DRAFT Minutes

Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, held on Tuesday 17 December 2024 in the Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR

Present: Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Sean Trafford (Vice Chairman) Roger Welberry, Mike Brookes, Chelcei Trafford, Philippa Parnell, Andy Lawrence and the Clerk.

Also Present:
Boston Borough Councillor Stuart Evans 
Apologies were received from Borough Councillor Suzanne Welberry

Public Forum:
No public in attendance 

Lincolnshire County Councillor: Mike Brookes
Two residents had reported that the road name sign for Bullens Lane was damaged, Councillor Brookes had tried to mend it but was unable to.
Borough Councillor, Stuart Evans will report the damage to the Borough

Boston Borough Councillors: Suzanne Welberry & Stuart Evans
No reports or updates 

The meeting was opened at: 19:03 

1.    Chairman’s remarks:
Councillor Gibbard welcomed everyone and shared that the Christmas Festival was once again a tremendous success. He congratulated The Swineshead Christmas Festival Committee and all who contributed to making the event such a success.

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were received from Councillors Ian Maclean, Lisa Baldwin, David Lemon and Roy Hilton
On proposal from Councillor C Trafford, seconded by Councillor R Welberry and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given

3.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Gibbard declared an interest in Gillrange Limited
Councillors S & C Trafford declared an interest in Item 5 iii

4.    To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 19 November 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor S Trafford, seconded by Councillor Parnell and with no objections, all resolved to accept the minutes and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them

5.    Financial matters:
i.    Bank Balances as of 30 November 2024
£23,606.75 Treasurers account
£70,906.81 to include £64.05 interest - Instant online
ii.    The Poor Charity ground rent for the Village Hall: To discuss and resolve the amount and set up annual Direct debit
This will be moved to the January meeting

iii.    To resolve an amount to donate to the Swineshead Festival Committee for the Christmas Festival. 
St. Mary’s Church now organises its own activities at the annual Swineshead Christmas Festival. This has resulted in a reduction in funds to support the festival itself. To alleviate this loss, the Swineshead Benevolent Fund has pledged to donate £500 and on proposal by Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor Parnell, and with no objections, all resolved that the Parish Council will donate £250.

iv.    To discuss the Budget for 2025-2026 and resolve the precept request
After discussions, it was agreed that reserves for the Play Equipment should be increased to account for maintenance and repairs caused by vandalism. A provision was also made for potential donations. However, as there will be no increase in the council office rent, the proposed budget amount for this could be reduced.
On proposal from Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor Parnell and with no objections, all resolved to accept the amended 2025-2026 budget and to request a precept amount of £55,000.
This year’s tax base has not yet been received from the Borough but working on last year’s figures of 1,049 this precept amount would amount to £1.01 per week for each D Band property a raise of no more than £4.68 per annum from last year.

v.    To approve the following accounts:
As approved at the November meeting, £108 has been paid to LALC for 5 hours Webmaster time
On proposal from Councillor S Trafford seconded by Councillor Brookes and with no objections, all resolved to approve the payments and to give the Clerk delegated powers to pay invoices received and due before the next meeting if there are no objections from councillors when informed. 








November invoice



Paid DD


Methodist Church

Library Rent

1 December 2024


Paid DD


Friends of St. Mary’s

Archive & Community Hub

1 December 2024

Inv. 0090


Paid DD


Gillrange Limited

Community Hub & Council Office Rent

1 December 2024  



Paid DD






Paid DD 10 December

N Bush


Dec Inv.10673


To be approved



December Payroll

To include National Pay Award & back pay award from 1/4/2024

Plus Expenses



To be approved


S Holland

November Garden maintenance

Invoice 15


To be approved

6.    Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council.
B/24/0452 Amended plans received 25 November for the erection of 122 dwellings at land off Station Road, Swineshead.
A report of “No further comments” was sent to the planning department

7.    Clerks outstanding matters and correspondence:
Proposed waiting restrictions – High Street     To receive an update
Completed Friday 13 December 2024

Play area RoSPA action     To receive updates & discuss actions 
Councillor Lawrence gave a report of findings from the council play area folders.
Councillors Gibbard, Parnell and Lawrence will meet and report back to the full council in January 
Boston Policing Plan – Current plan received    To receive any comments to be for the 2025 policing plan
All members had received the plan and had been invited to complete the survey

Proposed “No Stopping” restrictions on Abbey Road, in the vicinity of the school.    To receive any updates  
This is at the Statutory Consultation stage and will go to public consultation early 2025

8.    Councillor’s and village reports, actions & updates:  
Information signs at the John Butler’s Trust Land at the Sand Holes    To receive an update
Thanks were given to the Swineshead Enhancement Society and Bicker Trust for the Information Sign that has now been installed at the Sand Holes, Coles Lane.

Community Emergency Plan      To receive any updates and discuss members for the group

This would be moved to the January meeting

Village Hall    To receive updates
A new Management Committee has been elected. The Parish Council extends its best wishes and looks forward to receiving the Hall’s annual accounts in due course.

Extra Bins in the village and next to the green Lockton Close/Hillcrest Gardens & missing bin Villa Lane    To receive any updates
This is an ongoing issue that is in the hands of the Borough Council

Community Hub, Library and Village Archive    To receive any updates 
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 4 June starting at 6pm. 
The Council will discuss their agreement with Lincolnshire County Council in January

Compound, High Green     To receive any updates 
The appearance of the site would be checked  

9.    Date for the next meeting/s: 21 January 2025

The Meeting was closed at: 19:59

CHAIRMAN: ……………………………………………… DATE: Tuesday, 21 January 2025