September 2024 Minutes
Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, held on Tuesday 17 September 2024 in the Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR
Present: Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Sean Trafford (Vice Chairman), Roger Welberry, Mike Brookes, Chelcei Trafford, David Lemon, Roy Hilton, Philippa Parnell, Lisa Baldwin and the Clerk.
Also Present:
Boston Borough Councillors: Stuart Evans and Suzanne Welberry
Lincolnshire County Councillor: Mike Brookes
1. Thanks were given to Lincolnshire County Council for providing the new bus shelter in the market place. The County Council will be working with District/Borough Councils and Parish Councils regarding bus shelters.
2. The County Council have put £1million into anti-social behaviour and they ran a survey on their website for people to complete, this was also published in the Summer/Autumn County News delivered to each household, the survey closed on 16 September 2024.
Boston Borough Councillors: Suzanne Welberry and Stuart Evans
Councillor S Welberry reported that St. Mary’s Church was vandalised, the offenders have been reported to the police and the Church has re-opened.
Councillor Evans reported that the compound in South Street is owned by LHP
Councillor Evans will be standing as a candidate for County Councillor in the next 2025 election, when Councillor Brookes stands down
Public Forum:
No public
The Meeting was opened at: 19:07
1. Chairman’s remarks:
The Vandalism situation in the village needs to be taken up with the police and is on this agenda
The Village hall will also be discussed, also on this agenda
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were received from Councillor Ian Maclean, on proposal from Councillor Hilton, seconded by Councillor Lemon and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Gibbard declared an interest in Gillrange Limited
4. To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 16 July 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor R Welberry, seconded by Councillor Lemon and with no objections, all resolved to accept the minutes from 16 July 2024 and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
5. Financial matters:
i. Bank Balances as of 31 August 2024
£6,439.50 Treasurers account
£70,724.51 to include £69.88 interest - Instant online
Late in: Payment of £25,050.00 has been paid into the councils account from Boston Borough Council for the 2nd half of the Precept
ii. The Poor Charity ground rent for the Village Hall: To discuss and resolve to pay outstanding amount and set up annual Direct debit
An email to the Poor Charity has been sent to ask the preferred way forward, this will be discussed at the next meeting.
iii. Purchase of Lego for library Lego Club: To discuss and resolve purchase of £44.99
This request has been retracted by the Methodist Church
iv. To approve the following accounts:
On proposal from Councillor Baldwin seconded by Councillor Parnell and with no objections, all resolved to approve the payments.
£ |
Library Rent |
1 August 2024 |
£150.00 |
Paid DD 1/8/2024 |
Friends of St. Mary’s |
Archive & Community Hub |
1 August Inv. 82 |
£200.00 |
Paid DD 1/8/2024 |
Gillrange Limited |
Community Hub & Council Office Rent |
1 August Inv. 17115 |
£350.00 |
Paid DD 1/8/2024 |
ElanCity |
2 SIDs & extn Warranty |
7 August SAJ-UK/2024/01895 |
£6,094.78 |
Paid |
BT |
Broadband |
August M030 6Q |
£50.28 |
Paid 15 August |
N Bush |
Payroll |
August 10639 |
£15.00 |
Paid 21 August |
Staff |
Costs |
August Payroll & Expenses |
£1403.93 |
Paid 21 August
S Holland |
July Garden maintenance |
Invoice 96 |
£620.00 |
Paid 21 August |
Play area check |
Inv. 52441 |
£199.20 |
Paid 21 August |
SMV Contract Services |
Grass Cutting |
Inv. 1809 |
£960.00 |
Paid 21 August |
EE |
Mobile |
August invoice |
9.60 |
Paid DD 26 August |
Golden Grove Nursery |
Plants for Coney Hill |
55344 |
124.80 |
Paid 28 August |
Methodist Church |
Library Rent |
2 September |
£150.00 |
Paid DD 2/9/2024 |
Friends of St. Mary’s |
Archive & Community Hub |
2 September Inv. 83 |
£200.00 |
Paid DD 2/9/2024 |
Gillrange Limited |
Community Hub & Council Office Rent |
2 September Inv. 17131 |
£350.00 |
Paid DD 2/9/2024 |
BT |
Broadband |
September M031 AC |
£50.28 |
Paid 29 August |
Data protection Fee |
00017307401 |
£35.00 |
Paid DD |
South Lincs Plant Hire |
Digger hire to JC Builders for Coney Hill |
Inv. 363755 |
130.12 |
To be approved |
PKF Little john |
External Audit |
SB20241019 |
378.00 |
To be approved |
N Bush |
Payroll |
September 10646 |
£15.00 |
To be approved |
Staff |
Costs |
September Payroll & Expenses |
£1403.93 |
To be approved
S Holland |
August Garden maintenance |
Invoice 2 |
£625.50 |
To be approved |
EE |
Mobile |
September invoice |
£9.90 |
Due DD 26 September |
6. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council.
i. B/24/0274 demolition of existing detached garages & construction of new detached garages at cattle Lodge Farm, Hallams Drove, PE20 3PX
Reply No Objections
Late in:
ii. B/24/0358 Proposed extension & alterations to existing annexe at The Willows, High Street, Swineshead, PE20 3LH
No objections or comments
7. Clerks outstanding matters and correspondence:
Proposed waiting restrictions – High Street |
Update No updates received, Councillor Brookes will follow this up and report back to the Clerk to share with all members |
Community CPR Training – East Midlands Ambulance Service |
Update When the council have dates in mind, the Clerk will contact the service |
Speed limit for Hallums Drove off Browns Drove |
To discuss The request would not conform to the Lincolnshire County Council speed limit policy The clerk to inform the resident |
Penalty signs for not clearing up after a dog |
To receive updates Borough councillor S Welberry is speaking to the Boston Borough Council’s Neighbourhood service team regarding this request. The Clerk to keep the resident informed |
Play area vandalism letter to the police |
To discuss A Letter was emailed to PC Daniel Crisp 19/8 and to date the council has not received a reply. Councillors Gibbard and S Trafford will follow up on this |
Play area RoSPA report |
To discuss report and actions The Clerk has transferred the information onto a spreadsheet this should aid the completion of the works and will keep it updated Councillor Gibbard and R Welberry will manage the pressure washer side of the report. |
Memorial Bench in Market Square outside store |
To discuss & resolve, position and future costs This request is now closed |
8. Councillor’s and village reports, actions & updates:
Orchard trees for Coney Hill from the legacy fund |
To discuss and resolve the purchase and timings The trees were planted on the green in King Johns Road. Councillor R Welberry to take photos of the trees and send to the Clerk The Clerk to report back to the Climate Change & Environment Officer for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership and also forward the photos |
Information signs at the John Butler’s Trust Land at the Sand Holes |
Receive any updates The design is ready and will be ordered. The Swineshead Enhancement Society will purchase this |
Community Emergency Plan |
To receive any updates and discuss members for the group Information is being added all the time and this will be on the next agenda |
Bus Shelter |
To receive updates Covered in County Councillor Brookes report |
Community Hub, Library and Village Archives (CH & L) Methodist Church Licence To receive name of Methodist Church committee member |
To receive and resolve updates for all 3 areas The request from the Methodist Church for an increase in rent to £200 to house the Library was discussed and with no objection it was resolved that the current rent of £150 should stand for this year and would be reviewed in the next financial year. The Council is keen to promote a good relationship within all the organisations involved for the benefit of the village. After discussions it was decided with no objection that Councillor Lisa Baldwin would replace Councillor Ian Maclean who has stepped down from the CH & L Committee and that she would act as Chairman of the committee. The council received notice from the Methodist Church that their new representative on the CH & L Committee would be the Reverend Val Ogden Councillors Gibbard and Baldwin will set a date for the next committee meeting. |
Village Hall |
To receive updates, discuss and resolve A date of 24 September has been set by Chatterton’s Solicitors for a management meeting. As the Official Custodian (Poor Charity) and Custodian Trustee (Parish Council) representatives for both these will be at the meeting and will handover when a Chairman is elected for the Village Hall. Councillor Parnell will take the notes of the meeting Updates will be given at the next Council meeting |
Wheatsheaf condition |
To receive any information More Complaints have been received from concerned residents regarding the very poor condition of this building and carpark. The Parish Council and Boston Borough Councillors have reported these many times to the Borough. At this stage there will be no action from the Borough |
Extra Bins in the village and next to the green Lockton Close/Hillcrest Gardens |
To discuss & receive any updates Borough Councillor S Welberry is speaking to the Boston Borough Council’s Neighbourhood Service team regarding this request. The Clerk to keep the resident informed |
Skate Park facilities |
To discuss and resolve The Parish Council has considered applying for a grant for the installation of a skate park, this would cost in the region of £375,000 without the cost of land. However, due to the increasing vandalism to the current play equipment and the ongoing extensive cost from public money for repairs or replacement equipment it was decided that at this time it would not go ahead. The Council would offer guidance and support to any community led group that wanted to raise funds. |
Signage for the doctor’s surgery |
To discuss actions Councillor Baldwin would speak to the Surgery. The Clerk will inform the resident that requested this. |
9. Date for the next meeting/s:
15 October, 19 November & 17 December
The meeting was closed at 20:05