January 2024 Minutes


Parish Council Office
1 & 2 North End | Swineshead | PE20 3LR
Chairman | Councillor Carl Gibbard
Clerk | Victoria Clark

Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 16 January 2024, in the Swineshead Parish Council Office, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR

Present: Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Sean Trafford (Vice Chairman), Roger Welberry, Mike Brookes, Chelcei Trafford (left the meeting after item 9ii), Ian Maclean, Lisa Baldwin, Will Chalmers, David lemon and the Clerk.

Also present: Boston Borough Councillors, Suzanne Welberry and Stuart Evans

Public Forum: 
No public in attendance 

Lincolnshire County Council (LCC): Councillor Mike Brookes
•    As from 8 April, The Supreme Inn will no longer be home to asylum seekers as from 8 April 2024, they will be house elsewhere in the country. 
•    The Highways Manager has had a site visit at the Road at the end of Boston Road near the A52, at this time there must be public access to this area.
•    Council Tax will have a 4.99% increase, 2% of this is for Adult Social Care, online at https://www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/budgetproposal2024-25 you can take part in a survey

Boston Borough Council BBC:
Councillors Stuart Evans & Suzanne Welberry
•    During the full Boston Borough council meeting on January 15, discussions regarding devolution took place, and a unanimous vote resolved that the devolution deal presented by the county council should not be approved, the consultation runs until the 29/1/24
•    Councillor Evans is now the Borough members contact for carparks 

The meeting opened at: 19:08

1.    Chairman’s remarks:
•    Congratulations to Scott Williams for making the Semi Finals in The World Darts Championship, he is a good ambassador for the Village.
•    Pleased to advise, the IT equipment for Swineshead Archives has arrived and soon to be set up. The Archive management group is meeting on Thursday.
•    The Superintendent Minister of Boston’s Methodist Churches, to include the Swineshead Methodist Church, attended The Community Hub and Library Committee meeting on 15 January.

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with valid reasons were received from Councillors Roy Hilton and Philippa Parnell, on proposal from Councillor Baldwin, seconded by Councillor Roger welberry and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given

3.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Gibbard declared an interest in Gillrange Limited

4.    To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 12 December 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Lemon, seconded by Councillor Baldwin and with no objections all resolved to accept the minutes of 12 December 2023 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them

5.    Financial matters:
i.    Bank Balances as of 31 December 2023
£28,844.70 Treasurers account
£70,125.93 to include £79.83 interest - Instant online
ii.    To approve accounts for payment:
Methodist Church: Library Rent 1 January 2024 £150.00 PAID DD
Gillrange Limited:Community Hub & Council Office Rent 1 January 2024 Inv.16987 £500.00 PAID DD
Friends of St. Mary’s: Archive & Community Hub 1 January 2024 Inv. 0072  £200.00 PAID DD
B.T:  Broadband January Inv. MO21 5S £135.96 DD due 16/1/24
N Bush: Payroll January Inv.10540 £15.00 To be approved
Staff Costs: January Payroll & reimbursements £2,127.65 To be approved
S Holland: December Garden maintenance December Inv. 75 £248.00 To be approved 
EE: Mobile January invoice £23.88 DD Due 27/1/24

The BT amount is not to be included as the council has received a refund from BT as a goodwill gesture due to bad service
To include £2,081.97 for the purchase from Currys of IT equipment for Swineshead Archive and paid by Councillor Gibbard. Expenditure up to £3,000 + VAT was approved at the November meeting item 8 viii.
On proposal from Councillor Roger Welberry, seconded by Councillor Chelcei Trafford and with no objections all resolved to approve the above payments

6.    Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council. To include those received from the date of this notice and the day on the meeting
No planning applications received

7.    To receive a report from the Community Hub and Library Committee Meeting:
Councillor Maclean, Chairman of the CH & L Committee gave an overview of the meeting held on 15 January this included a request from the Methodist representative to increase the rent for housing the library, this was increased from £25 to £150 in June 2023 and the new request is to increase the rent to £250 in May 2024 when the agreement is renewed.
This is now under Consideration from the Parish Council

8.    Clerks outstanding matters and correspondence:
i.        Boston Borough Council, quote to upgrade all street lighting to LED: To discuss & resolve
The quote was received, funding would be required.
Councillor Gibbard will look into this & report back at the February Meeting
ii.        Condition and deterioration of the Wheatsheaf, Market Square: Update
Borough Councillors have a site meeting and will report back at the February Meeting 
iii.        Mobile phone costs: To receive report
If a better deal than the current EE contract which up for renewal, can be found then the Clerk has delegated powers to purchase 
iv.        Woodland Trust, free Tree Packs: To discuss
The council chose the Wild Harvest tree pack

9.    Councillor’s and village reports, actions & updates:  
i.        Grassroots Application Grant for the Play Area: To discuss 
Councillor Chalmers will speak to Councillor Hilton and report back at the February meeting
ii.        Playground area maintenance, to include action for Skateboard Ramp: Update
The Council’s village maintenance person has checked all bolts and reported sharp edges and all is in order. He will fill out the list given to him so the council has a record to add to the RoSPA report. 
The quote favoured by the council to add steel to the Skateboard Ramp is £200
With no objections it was resolved to accept the quote 
iii.        To receive suggestions for a Header/Letter Head: To be resolved
With no objections it was resolved to accept the header from Councillor Gibbard, as per on these minutes 
Thanks were given to councillor Baldwin for her work on creating this 
iv.        Information signs at the John Butler’s Trust Land at the Sand Holes: To discuss
Councillor Roger Welberry is working on the text
A no Maintenance lectern is approximately £1,400
A wooden one between £700-£1,000.
The Clerk will look into possible funding
v.        Speed Indicator Devices: Update
Poles have not yet been erected
vi.        Bin at Coney Hill Layby: Update
Bins will be placed at each end so they are accessible, the bollards have not yet been erected.
Bins and bollards need co-ordinating 
vii.        Community Flood/Emergency Plan: To discuss
The council is looking at having not just a flood plan but a more comprehensive Emergency Plan.
The Clerk will speak to the Lincolnshire Emergency Planning Officer and request a visit at a council meeting.

10.    To approve and resolve to adopt the members Code of Conduct 
All members had received a copy of the code of conduct, on proposal from Councillor Sean Trafford, seconded by Councillor Baldwin and with no objections all resolved to adopt the code of conduct which will replace the current one.

11.    Date for the next meeting/s:
Tuesday 20 February & 19 March, 16 April 2024

10.    Set start time for the Annual Parish Meeting: Wednesday 24 April
    It was agreed that the meeting would start at 6pm 

The meeting closed at 19:50

CHAIRMAN: …………………………………               DATE: Tuesday, 20 February 2024