November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Swineshead Parish Council held on 16th November 2020

Present:                                 C Karen Cartwright, C Georges Cornah, C Mike Brookes, C Alan Hughes, C Chelcei Sharman, C Keith Osborne, C Roy Hilton, C Roger Welberry, C Philippa Parnell

Also Present:                        None

Public Forum                        None

Meeting started at 7.30 pm

20/073   Chairman’s Remarks:        

The Chairman, Cllr AH, thanked Councillors for persevering with the Zoom online meetings.

20/074   Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr RB sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies and reason for absence.

20/075   To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr KO declared an interest in planning application B/20/0412. Cllr CS advised that she would not take part in any planning discussions due to her role on the planning committee for Boston Borough Council.

20/076   Police report:


20/077 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 12.10.20 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes.  The notes were confirmed and will be signed by the Chairman at the earliest opportunity.

20/078 Financial matters: Financial report, accounts for payment and budget figures up to 9.11.20.

  • Accounts for payment to-date checked and missed items added to a new sheet.
  • Budget and accounts created for the year to date
  • Bank reconciliations done for quarter 1 & 2 and checked by Cllr RH & Cllr MB
  • VAT reclaim has been done and monies received 06/11/20

The bank reconciliation highlighted £13.10 that had not been banked from the end of March 20.  This related to Library takings picked up in March so that it was included in last year’s accounts but not banked due to Lockdown then happening. Apologies as it seems I forgot about it until doing the reconciliations and this has now been found in my home office and the monies banked. In addition, it has been found that the cheques that should have been sent to charities, although there are cheque stubs these amounts have never been bank so presumably not sent out. Nicky Bush

It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment and budget figures to 9.11.20

ACTION: N. Bush to make outstanding payments and add budget figures to the website.

20/079   Planning Applications:

B/20/0337, Installation of dropped kerb to the right side of the property at Good Acres House, South Street, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3JD: It was resolved that there were no comments or objections to this application.

B/20/0412, Outline proposal for the erection of a 4 bedroomed Chalet Bungalow with attached garage at High Street Garage, High Street, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3LH: It was resolved that there were no comments or objections to this application. (Cllr KO did not participate in the discussion contribute to the resolution).

B/20/0349, Application under Section 257 for diversion of Public Right of Way no. 8 , to enable the construction of 74 dwellings as approved by Planning Permission ref; B/17/0404 at Meres Way, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3FG. It was resolved that there were no comments or objections to this application. The Council are concerned about how the process has been carried out i.e. not followed correctly as this item should have been considered before planning permission was granted. It was resolved to forward these comments to the planning department.

ACTION: Clerk to feedback to planning department

20/080   Correspondence

28.10.20 Email containing minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Viking Link CLG.   emailed to Councillors 28.10.20

3.11.20   Email containing information about the new National Restrictions from 5.11.20.   emailed to Councillors 4.11.20

3.11.20   Email forwarded by LALC containing 6 suggestions for Parish Councils in respect of the upcoming lockdown. emailed to Councillors 4.11.20

2.11.20  Email containing Assoc. Play Industries newsletter.    emailed to Councillors 4.11.20

20/081   Councillors reports.

Cllr RB had passed this report to the Council prior to the meeting. Two residents have complained about the dip in the road on South Street. Cllr MB commented that he had met with a Highways Manager several weeks ago. Anglian Water are re-sleeving it and will repair the road when they have finished relining the sewer.

Cllr AH – A resident who runs Swineshead Support Group advised him that he has applied for a grant of £5000 and would like to give gifts of £25 each or maybe hampers to residents. He has asked for help in identifying suitable recipients. Cllr MB commented that this would be difficult due to Date Protection law.  Cllr RW suggested identifying families whose children receive free school meals. Cllr PP advised that the school would be unable to give out this information. Cllr KO suggested that the resident needs to rethink about an easier way to identify this group of people. Cllr AH advised that the £5000 has not been received yet and suggested this is discussed further once the money is available. Cllr MB commented that the Parish Council cannot help identify a specific group of people.

Cllr MB - had mentioned before about the County Views panel. This month they are asking for views on Highways. Anyone interested in signing up for the panel can do so on the Lincs County Council website.

Cllr KO - has been advised of a resident who has indicated an interest in renting the allotment land which becomes vacant 1.5.21.

Cllr RH – Seven street lights in the village are not working. He has reported this to Boston Borough Council. He asked that Councillors report any others that they are aware of.  He also advised Council about the problem of standing water on the A17. The concrete gullies become blocked with soil etc which stops the water draining away. The happens between Swineshead Bridge and Bicker Bar Roundabout. Cllr MB said he would speak to the Highways Manager. Cllr KO said that an earlier closure of the A17 resulted in a large volume of traffic coming through the village. Could Highways be asked about supplying appropriate signage as there is due to be a closure of the A17 in early December. Cllr MB advised that he would mention this to the Highways Manager. Cllr RH continued to say that he had been advised of a resident who has indicated an interest in renting the allotment land mentioned above.

Cllr RW – has received a cheque from the outgoing tenant of the land mentioned above to cover the rent up to the end of April 2021. He will pass this on to the appropriate person.

Cllr KC – mentioned the cleaning of the telephone box. Could Cllr MB contact the person who said he would clean it? Cllr KC will contact the electrician to start work on installing the defibrillator. The footpath from Coles Lane through the new estate needs barriers at the Coles Lane end to limit access to pedestrians and cyclists only. Cllr AH asked Cllr KC if she could contact Ashwood Homes. There is mud on the road on Park Lane just over the A17. Cllr KC will speak with Cllr KO about contacting the landowner.

Cllr GC – advised about a possible grant to look at the feasibility to reopen and invest in the Port of Boston (Boston Borough Council).

20/082 Clerks report.


20/083 To discuss H D Nundy & Sons land tenancy.

Notice to vacate the land at the end of the current year (30.4.20) had been received. It was resolved to prepare a pack for prospective tenants and advertise the vacancy in the Swineshead Life magazine. ACTION: Cllr KO to include and advertise in Swineshead Life. Agenda item for December.

20/084 To discuss progress on the village stocks.

Following a discussion, it was resolved that essential repairs due to safety reasons should be carried out.

20/085   To discuss purchasing bulbs /flowers for the churchyard (KC)

Cllr KO advised that part of the churchyard will not be mown until after the bulbs have finished flowering. The Church are happy to extend the planting of bulbs. It was resolved to divert £100 from the budget line “Best Kept Village Competition” and spend this amount on bulbs.

20/086   An update on the Christmas Lights and Mackay’s Pit (RW)

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Cllr MB advised it had previously been agreed to order the lights. The lights are now here. The cost was £551.It may be necessary to purchase a couple of extension cables which will be within budget. It was resolved to put up the lights once lockdown ends.

MACKAY’S PIT: £880.40 has been received from the Windfarm Trust for 3 more fishing platforms. It was resolved to place an order for the platforms, using the money received for this purpose.

20/087   To discuss the proposed street name of “Croft Gardens” for the new development off Coles Lane. 

Following a discussion, it was resolved to agree to the street name of Croft Gardens. ACTION: Clerk to advise Boston Borough Council.

20/088   An update about the Library (AH)

Cllr AH advised that it had previously been confirmed that the Library is able to reopen. It reopened last week with the relevant safeguarding processes in place for “Click and Collect” of books etc. It will be opening Tuesdays 10 to 11 and Thursdays 2 to 3.

Cllr AH voiced concerns about using the Library as the Parish Office. He felt that if the actions in the risk assessment were adhered to, there shouldn’t be a problem. Cllr KC commented that it is not a problem at the moment as it is not being used. Cllr KO agreed that the Parish Council should continue to use the Library as the Parish Office. It was resolved to continue to use the Library as the Parish Office.

 20/089 To discuss the application for the position of clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

It was resolved to move into closed session.

Meeting closed 21:24

Next meeting, 14.12.20 at 19.30 by Zoom.