July 2022 Minutes

Minutes were taken by the stand in Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, which was held on
Monday 11 July, in the office of Swineshead Parish Council, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR

Present: Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Jean Powell, Roger Welberry, Ian Maclean, Roy Hilton, Phillipa Parnell and Mrs V Clark (Acting Clerk)

Public Forum: No public in attendance 

The Meeting started at 19.30pm

1.    To receive apologies for absence and reasons given
Apologies with reasons were received from Councillors Brookes and Osbourne, with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given.
2.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Councillor Gibbard gave a declaration of interest for the Councils office
3.    To agree whether the minutes of the meeting held on 15/06/22 are to be confirmed and signed an accurate record of the meeting
On proposal from Councillor Powell, seconded by councillor Maclean and with no objections, all resolved to accept the minutes of 15 June 2022 as a correct record of the meeting, and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them.
4.    Financial matters:
•    To approve accounts for payment (see attached)
With no objection, all resolved to approve the payments
•    To arrange a meeting of the Finance Committee
Councillors, Gibbard, Welberry, Cornah and S. Trafford are the committee members and will discuss a date for the next meeting
5.    To consider the following planning matters:
B/22/0006; The Blue Shed, Station Road, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3PS
         With no objections, the following observations were agreed
•    This would be a good use for this building
•    The applicants statement shows determination to develop and improve what is becoming an eyesore
•    The applicant established this successful business in 1988
•    The business would be a great amenity for the village
•    People would be drawn from other areas which would be a further asset to the village and other local businesses
•    An education centre would be invaluable
6.    To consider the register of correspondence received since the last meeting
None received
7.    Councillor’s Reports
None received
8.    Clerk’s Report
No report
9.    To discuss and agree a format for the annual gardening competition
•    Judges to get their decisions to the Clerk as soon as possible 
•    Winners to be invited to the next meeting
•    Gardening Competition to be 1st on the September agenda
•    Next year more roads to be added
10.    To agree to add the new Clerk to have online access to the bank account
On proposal from Councillor Gibbard, seconded by Councillor Hilton and with no objections, all resolved to allow the New Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark online access to the council’s bank account

The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.51