July 2021 Minutes
Monday 19th July 2021
Present: C Carl Gibbard, C Chelcei Trafford, C Sean Trafford, C Philippa Parnell, C Jean Powell, C Ian Maclean.
Also Present: None
Public Forum
No members of public were present.
21/043 Chairman’s remarks
Cllr CG informed councillors that the council were slowly but surely making progress with catching up with policies and procedures that were out of date and/or missing. He reported that we are hoping to be finished with the policy review by the end of September.
21/044 To receive apologies for absence and reasons given
Apologies from Cllr GC and Cllr MB who were both attending a charity meeting; Cllr RW who is isolating and Cllr RH who has work commitments.
Cllr CG proposed that the apologies should be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved.
21/045 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr CT declared that she would not be taking part in any planning discussion or decisions due to her involvement with Boston Borough Council Planning Committee.
21/046 To receive a report of recent police activity in the village
Police report received – no crimes reported in the village since the last meeting.
The clerk mentioned that a few “petty” crimes that she assumed had been reported to the police in the past month had not been reported.
Cllr ST suggested that no matter how “petty” a crime is, it should be reported so that the police can keep on top of issues before they get too big. Councillors agreed and Cllr CG proposed that a general post on Facebook should be made to remind public to ensure that they are reporting crimes to the police. This was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to make post to Facebook.
21/047 To agree whether the minutes of the meeting held on 14/06/21 are to be confirmed and signed an accurate record of the meeting
Cllr KO proposed that the circulated notes from 14/06/21 were a true and accurate reflection of the meeting and should be confirmed as minutes. This was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to add minutes to parish noticeboard and circulate on Facebook and the website.
21/048 Financial matters: Update on financial matters, accounts for payment, budget figures and finance report
Clerk circulated a quarterly budget report, and accounts for payment checked and signed by Cllrs CT and PP (see separate Clerk noted the following codes being overbudget: Office Rent (no suitable alternatives available), Defibrillators (new casing required plus relevant electrical installation), Insurance (significant saving on previous years following negotiation, however needs updated once the Asset Register is complete), Stationary (severely underbudgeted – printer cartridges, printer paper, envelopes, etc all restocked), Wreaths (coded all resources for HRH memorial under this code).
Councillors had no further queries. Cllr CG proposed that the above report and accounts for payment should be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to make payments.
Matters arising from Finance Committee meeting on 05/07/2021:
To review and adopt the Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee, as recommended by the Finance Committee
Cllr ST proposed that the Council should adopt the Terms of Reference, this was seconded by Cllr IM and resolved.
To review and adopt Financial Regulations, as recommended by the Finance Committee
Cllr IM proposed that the Council should adopt the Financial Regulations, this was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.
To review and agree on changes to the signatories on the bank account, as recommended by the Finance Committee
The clerk suggested the following changes should be made to the bank accounts: To remove Mike Smith, Debbie Hutson, Karen Cartwright, Jeb Booth and Nicky Bush from the account; add Sean Trafford as a full power signatory; give internet banking access to Cllrs PP, MB and ST.
Once the three councillors above have full internet banking access, the signatory requirements should be changed to be in line with the updated Financial Regulations i.e. Clerk sets up payment and two Councillors authorise all payments.
Cllr KO proposed that all the above should be put into action as soon as possible, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
The consider and agree to moving the finances and accounts to Scribe, an online accounting package, at a cost of £197 for the setup then £24 per month payable annually a year in advance, as recommended by the Finance Committee
Cllr CG suggested that the accounting package SCRIBE should be subscribed to as soon as possible and explained that as well as bringing the council in line with not only our own Financial Regulations, but also the Practitioners Guide, it would save money in the long run by reducing the Clerk’s hours with respect to book keeping and preparation of accounts.
Cllr PP proposed that SCRIBE should be purchased and put into practice as soon as possible. This was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.
To review and agree to conduct bi-annually internal audits, as recommended by the Finance Committee
Cllr IM proposed that bi-annual internal audits should be put into place. This was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to publish the new Financial Regulations and the Finance Committee Terms of Reference to the website, make necessary changes to the banking mandates, begin the process of moving the council accounts to SCRIBE and make necessary preparations for a second internal audit to take place after the second financial quarter.
21/049 Planning:
B/21/0330: 13 Browns Drove, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3PX
No objections
B/21/0279: Swan Lake Lodges, Boston Road, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3HB
KO proposed that the original condition should remain. This was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
B/21/0271: 2 Milne Green, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3NP
No objections
B/21/0274: 13 Meres Way, Swineshead, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3FG
No objections
Cllr PP proposed that The above planning comments should be forwarded to Boston Borough Council. This was seconded by Cllr IM and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to forward all comments to BBC Planning Department.
21/050 To consider the register of correspondence received since the last meeting
Please see register of correspondence attached.
21/051 To receive Councillors’ verbal reports
PP Various issues at the park on the latest inspection: Multipurpose goal needs refilling and seeding; fencing at fitness area, piece of wood has been removed, possible safety risk, needs fixing; the ground around benches needs filling and levelling; there is a seat missing of the springer seesaw; the path along the front of the play area needs resurfacing in places. Cllr PP suggested that after six years since the installation of the park, the whole area needs a bit of attention and suggested this should be an agenda item for a future meeting. Cllr PP proposed that the seat missing from the see-saw and the damage to the fence needs to be reported to the police. This was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
CT Commented that there had been lots of reports of antisocial behaviour in park and proposed that this should also be reported to the police. This was seconded by Cllr CG and resolved.
IM Commented that Swineshead roads and paths are looking particularly unkept lately, with weeds growing along the roadsides, dead birds rotting in the roads and a build-up of mud and debris littering the roads. Cllr IM prosed that BBC are contacted with a view to some remedial work and a clean by from the new road sweeper. This was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
ST Cllr ST requested that the purchase of a speed camera should be put on the agenda for the next meeting, but in the meantime he was going to look into the possibility of having one donated so that they could start using it as soon as possible. Cllr ST also showed the Council the poster that had won the school competition asking for drivers to slow down in our village. He was planning on having these printed and displayed throughout the village. Clerk reminded Cllr ST to make sure that the posters were permitted to be displayed at the sides of the road before mounting them.
KO Cllr KO proposed that the council should write to the Police Chief Constable to ask them what action they’re taking about privately owned electric scooters. Met police have ceased and crushed 2600 scooters, how many have Boston done? Cllr CG seconded the proposal and said that he’s happy to write the letter himself. This was then resolved.
JP Cllr JP has found a hard copy of the Terms of Reference for the Library Committee and would like to suggest that the committee meet on Tuesday 12 October to update on the current situation with the library, and that regular meetings should be reinstated. Cllr JP also said that she had negotiated with the library and they were prepared to reconsider the Clerk using the building as her office.
Cllr JP requested that the wild area of the churchyard needs to be cut back as soon as possible due to numerous complain about the mess it has been allowed to get in.
ACTION: Clerk to put refurbishment of play area as an agenda item for September; Clerk to report damage to the park and unsociable behaviour to the police; Clerk to report state of roads and paths in the village to BBC and request a clean up; Clerk to put purchase of speed camera on September agenda; Cllr CG to write to the Police Chief Constable regarding electric scooters; Library Committee meeting to be scheduled for 12/10/21; Clerk to arrange for the wild flowers to be cut as soon as possible.
21/052 To receive Clerk’s verbal report
Financial Matters:
Clerk requested delegated powers to pay regular bills/invoices between now and September meeting. These will include:
paying wages and expenses (including gardener’s invoice), grass cutting invoices, bills from BBC relating to lighting, any other bills for items already resolved at meetings but not yet appears on Accounts for Payment. All payments will still be included on September’s accounts for Payment for retrospective resolution. Procedure: invoices are forwarded by email to two councillors, councillors check invoices and respond by email to confirm they are legitimate, Clerk to forward responses to Chairman who gives a final go-ahead, Clerk makes payment.
Clerk requested delegated powers to make necessary changes to the BT phoneline at the library. The phoneline is currently in a private individual’s name (related to the Methodist Chapel rather than the Parish Council). It is also extremely expensive compared to what it should be and also, it is not good practice to be paying a bill that is in someone’s personal details. The Clerk suggested that the BT account should be brought under the Parish Council’s name/address and a new contract should be secured at a more appropriate cost. Delegated responsibility would be to change the contract to the Parish Council’s name, change it to a business account rather than a residential account, tie in for a minimum term of no more than 24 months, and be a cost saving with no up-front costs. This would be agreed by a majority of the finance committee by email, and the final go-ahead from the Chairman on proof of a majority.
Cllr CG proposed that delegated powers for both of the above should be awarded up until the September meeting. This was seconded by Cllr IM and resolved.
Planning Matters:
The Clerk requested delegated powers to forward planning comments to BBC where the deadline for comments is before the next meeting. Clerk suggested that all planning matters are emailed to all Councillors with a one-week notice to review them, then all comments would be collated and forwarded to Cllrs KO, IM and CG for unanimous approval before being sent to Planning Department.
Cllr CG proposed that delegated powers for the above should be awarded up until the September meeting. This was seconded by Cllr IM and resolved.
Matters Arising:
21/009: Gate for park – Clerk contacted M Hall as requested. They confirmed that they had picked the gate up from the park on instruction from the Parish Council to do a quote for repair. They made a quote, contacted the PC and were told that the quote was too expensive and they were to return the gate to where they picked it up from.
Gate was returned and hasn’t been seen since. Clerk unsure who instructed M Hall, minutes of the decision cannot be found. Probability is that the gate was lost/stolen and is not recoverable. Further action required.
21/025: BBC informed of co-option of two new councillors. Declarations of interest (pecuniary and local) were sent to BBC accordingly. Updated interests of four other councillors forwarded to BBC also.
21/030: Minutes amended accordingly and published on FB and noticeboard. Website updating still outstanding due to technical limitations. Assistance with the website has been sought, however there is currently a waiting list.
21/031: Payments agreed were made accordingly.
21/032: Planning comments were sent to BBC Planning.
21/033, 21/036, 21/037, 21/039, 21/040: All agenda items.
21/035: Matters Arising from previous meeting: SLCC membership – Clerk suggested that this should be reviewed once clerk position has been filled on a more permanent basis; Clerk suggested that an annual “clubs, societies and charities” evening should be arranged at a future date to receive accounts and reports from external clubs and charities (21/017).
21/038: Artwork for memorial, not put on agenda. Review in September.
21/041: Financial regulations – agenda item. Scheme of delegation, temporary powers agreed during meeting; website maintenance – we are currently on a waiting list; Asset register – included in scribe package, now needs to be updated. The Clerk suggested that a Parish Council “ramble” should take place in October prior to updated the asset register and reviewing the grass cutting schedule.
21/042: Clerk final payment arrangements made.
ACTION: Cllr PP to speak to previous council chair regarding gate and report back to next meeting; clerk to continue chasing website maintenance team; “Clubs, Societies and Charities” evening to be discussed at September meeting;
Artwork at memorial to be discussed at September meeting; Parish Council “ramble” to be discussed at September meeting.
21/053 To discuss and agree locations for new bins in the village as suggested by Boston Borough Council
Cllr KO proposed that new bins should be purchased and installed outside the Chip Shop and on Villa Lane near The Ivy’s as per the advice from BBC. He also suggested that the bin at the top of Abbey Road (near A52) needs to be replaced with a heavier, lidded bin at the cost of £267 per bin. He also requested that a green bin needs to be install in the layby at Swineshead Bridge on the A1121. This proposal was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to order bins and installation as above.
21/054 To discuss and agree the new agreement with the Methodist Chapel with regards to the Community Hub
Cllr KO proposed that the new agreement should be presented to the Methodist Chapel and be signed, this was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to present the new agreement at the Library Committee meeting on 12/10/2021.
21/055 To discuss any progress regarding a new location for the Parish Office and agree to either extend the current lease or move to another suitable location
Cllr JP reported that having spoken to the library / community hub, they seemed happy to reconsider the use of the space to accommodate the clerk’s office providing no more furniture other than the filing cabinet was introduced. Cllr PP suggested that delegated power should be given to Cllr CG and the Clerk to resolve this matter as soon as possible. This was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
ACTION: Cllr CG and Clerk to discuss and arrange move to Library.
21/056 To consider the quotation to install the new defibrillator cabinet at Swineshead Bridge and move the existing one to the Church Hall at a cost of £200 + VAT
Cllr PP proposed that the new installations should be made ASAP, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to arrange for the cabinets to be installed / changed as appropriate. Maintenance of the defibrillators to be an agenda item in September.
21/057 To consider appropriate signage for the telephone box at Swineshead Bridge and agree to accept the donation of the signage from Clarke Design & Media
Cllr PP proposed that the signage should be accepted and a letter of thanks should be written to Clerk Design & Media, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to arrange signage on the Swineshead Bridge defibrillator as soon as it has been installed and write a letter of thanks.
21/058 To discuss and agree to the annual play area inspection at a cost of £68.50 + VAT
Cllr JP proposed that the inspection should go ahead at the cost of £68.50 + VAT, this was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to order inspection.
21/059 To discuss and agree to Councillor Training on the one-day RoSPA Routine Playground Inspection Course at a cost of £260 for Cllr Philippa Parnell
Cllr PP proposed that the training should go ahead at the cost of £260, this was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to order course and liaise with Cllr PP.
21/060 To discuss the matter of supporting a member of the public to reduce the speed limits on Browns Drove and agree a course of action
Cllr KO proposed that the matter of reducing the speed limit should be supported by the Parish Council, this was seconded by Cllr IM and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to liaise with Cllr MB regarding this matter.
21/061 To discuss grass cutting at Swineshead Bridge and agree to adding this area to our grass cutting schedule for the rest of this season at an additional cost to the current contract
Cllr PP proposed that both the layby and the area in front of The Barge should be added to the grass cutting schedule until the end of this season then readdressed in the Autumn for the following year. This was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to arrange for this grass to be cut ASAP.
Meeting closed at 21:27
Correspondence List
July 2021
Boston Borough Council new releases (various)
Rural Services Network Bulletins (various)
LALC News (various)
CPRE Rural News (various)
YMCA News and Updated (various)
17/06/2021 |
RE Councillor Grants Scheme |
Forwarded to Cllr CG |
17/06/2021 |
RE Temporary traffic restrictions |
18/06/2021 |
Member of Public |
Request for help with researching family tree |
Clerk responded |
22/06/2021 |
Member of Public |
Complaint regarding grass cutting at Northend |
Clerk responded |
23/06/2021 |
RE Extinguishment of footpath #16 |
Forwarded to Councillors |
24/06/2021 |
Lincs Police |
RE Enhancing Neighbourhood Policing |
Forwarded to Councillors |
28/06/2021 |
HSBC Bank |
RE Change of local service |
Facebook & Fwd to Cllrs |
29/06/2021 |
Member of Public |
RE Wishing to support Mackay’s Pit |
Forwarded to Cllr ST |
20/06/2021 |
Update on Community Hub with regard to C-19 |
Forwarded to Cllrs KO & JP |
02/07/2021 |
Viking Link |
RE Roadworks at Swineshead Bridge |
02/07/2021 |
Viking Link |
RE Invitation to community liaison group |
Forwarded to Councillors |
05/07/2021 |
RE Roadworks at Coles Lane |
05/07/2021 |
Thank you for the donation |
Presented at July Meeting |
07/07/2021 |
WHP Telecoms |
Pre-planning consultation at Bicker |
Forwarded to Cllr KO |
07/07/2021 |
BBC Planning |
RE Update to services |
Forwarded to Councillors |
13/07/2021 |
Member of Public |
RE Grass cutting and unsafe manhole at Sw. Br. |
Clerk responded |
14/07/2021 |
Lincs Police |
RE Consultation on Police and Crime Plan |
Forwarded to Councillors |
16/07/2021 |
RE Community Hubs – restrictions guidance |
Forwarded to Cllrs KO & JP |