March 2021 Minutes


Present:     C. Mike Brookes, C. Roger Welberry, C. Roy Hilton, C. Philippa Parnell, C. Chelcei Trafford, C. Keith Osborne, C. Sean Trafford

Also Present:    4 members of the public; plus Mr Carl Gibbard who started the meeting as a Member of the Public

Public Forum

A member of the public passed on information that Swineshead Support Services had now been permanently shut. The same member of public also queried whether the Wheatsheaf pub could be used for community purposes and converted to workshops and offices, etc for the community to use; this member of the public also suggested that perhaps a street party could be arranged to celebrate the end of covid when the time comes.

Cllr RH responded that the idea of using the Wheatsheaf for community purposes had already been explored, however there is a lot of remedial work that needed doing on the building making it too costly. Also, there are local reports that the pub has recently been bought by a private buyer.

20/145    To sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by Mr C. Gibbard following the co-option process to fill a vacancy on the Parish Council

The declaration was signed in front of the Council and will be countersigned by the clerk in due course. Cllr RH welcomed Cllr CG to the Parish Council.

ACTION: CLERK to forward relevant documentation to Boston Borough Council as soon as possible. Also CLERK to enquire about the status of the final two vacancies.

20/146    Chairman’s remarks

Cllr RH thanked the clerk for her hard work during the crossover period and asked the Councillors to be mindful of the clerk’s current workload and reduced flexibility.

20/147    To receive apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies received from Cllr GC without reason. Cllr MB proposed to accept Cllr GC’s apologies, this was seconded by Cllr RH 2nd and resolved.

20/148    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr CT declared that she would not be taking part in any planning discussions or decisions due to her involvement with the Planning Committee at Boston Borough Council.

20/149    To discuss the new working practice for Zoom meetings, including Zoom subscription

Cllr RH checked that Councillors had all received and read the Zoom Protocol that was sent by email prior to the meeting and asked all Councillors to observe the guidance as an example of best practice. Councillors discussed whether the protocol should become a policy for future meetings but agreed that this isn’t necessary. Review of Standing Orders to take place as soon as possible, when time permits.

20/150    Police report

Despite repeated requests, no police report has been received.

ACTION: CLERK to inform police that any matters since the last report in February should be declared on the report for April’s meeting.

20/151    Draft minutes of the meeting held on 15/02/21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes

Cllr KO proposed that the circulated notes from 15/02/21 should be confirmed as minutes. This proposal was seconded by Cllr PP. It was resolved that the notes were accepted as a true reflection of the meeting and signed by Cllr RH. 

ACTION: CLERK to add minutes to parish noticeboard, website and Facebook page.

20/152    Financial matters: Accounts for payment, budget figures and finance report

Cllr RH proposed that the accounts for payment should be accepted, having checked over them personally. Cllr KO confirmed that he too had checked the payment list. The proposal was seconded by Cllr MB and resolved. Clerk informed Councillors that budget figures and finance report will updated in preparation for April meeting. 

ACTION: CLERK to make payments.    

20/153    To discuss the temporary clerk’s access to online banking and signatory powers

Cllr RH explained that currently, no Councillor nor the temporary clerk currently had online access to the bank account to make payments and this needed to be rectified as a matter of urgency. Cllr RH proposed that temporary clerk, Natalie Grant, should be designated as a new signatory on the account with immediate effect. This proposal was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved. 

Cllr RH informed Councillors that the temporary clerk has recommended a full review of the Financial Regulations as a matter of urgency with special attention to the signatory requirements for online payments and proposed that a review should be undertaken and presented to the Council at the next meeting. This proposal was seconded by Cllr KO and resolved.

ACTION: CLERK to arrange electronic signatory rights to be added to the account. CLERK to make suggested adjustments to the financial regulations and forward to Councillors as soon as possible. Agenda item for April.

20/154    To discuss options for a new Parish Office

Clerk has informed Cllr RH that according to the Library and Methodist Chapel, no agreement was in place to use this building as a Parish Office. They are concerned that the PC has moved their desk and office equipment into the library without consultation. Clerk has apologised to the library and the Methodist church for the misunderstanding. Clerk confirmed that an office space is required to house the filing cabinet, stationary, printer, etc.

Cllr CG offered to help with office space at Northend on a temporary basis while something more permanent is arranged. Cllr MB suggested that we should approach the vicar to enquire whether to office at the church hall might offer a more permanent solution. Councillors agreed that it was worth looking into.

ACTION: Cllrs CG and ST to assist the CLERK in arranging for the office equipment to be moved to the temporary space at Northend. Cllr KO to make enquiries at the church.

20/155    To discuss quotation SLE/31757/GC for the replacement of streetlight #18 on Abbey Road

Electrician has recommended remedial work to replace and adjust the positioning of the lamp to avoid further damage at a cost of £1050 + VAT. Cllr KO proposed that the work should go ahead at the agreed cost to the Council. This was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved.
ACTION: Clerk to inform BBC to proceed with the work.

20/156    To discuss grass cutting contract for 2021/22

The clerk informed Councillors that the current contractor has agreed to fulfil the contract for grass cutting on the same terms as the current year as a cost of £400 +VAT per cut, 12 times per year. This is the same cost as this year, and the previous year. Cllr MB proposed that the current contractor SMV contracts should be contracted for next year, however a full tender process needs to be followed for 2022/23. This was seconded by Cllr RW and resolved. Cllr MB also suggested that the clerk ought to contact Lincolnshire County 
Council regarding the arrangement to ensure that we signed up to the agreement for 2021/22.

Cllr KO reminded the clerk that SMV should be reminded not to cut the bluebells and snowdrops between the bus shelter and the church until they have died off. Cllrs RW and KO requested to meet with SMV to discuss the contract in finer detail.

ACTION: Clerk to inform SMV contracts and arrange first cut as early as possible in April. Tender for 2022/23 to be an agenda December 2021. Clerk to arrange meeting between Cllrs RW and KO and SMV as soon as possible.

20/157    Planning: B/21/0065 Single storey rear extension to existing garage to form annexe at 14, Townfield Lane, Swineshead, PE20 3EP

Councillors had no feedback on this proposed planning application.

ACTION: Clerk to inform Boston Borough Council Planning on outcome.

20/158    Correspondence

Boston Borough Council news releases (various)    Can be forwarded on request
Rural Services Network Bulletins (various)    Can be forwarded on request
LALC News (various)    Can be forwarded on request
18/02/21    Calor Gas RE Rural Community Fund     Forwarded by Email
18/02/21    South Lincs Citizen’s Advice RE EU Settlement Scheme    Can be forwarded on request
19/02/21    Complain from Member of Public RE Grass Cutting    Resolved
19/02/21    Co-op RE response about defibrillator request    Forwarded by Email
20/02/21    Member of the Public RE Speeding on Station Road    Resolved
22/02/21    Early Years Alliance RE request to use park for toddler activities    Resolved
22/02/21    Environment Agency RE Routine Maintenance    Forwarded by Email
24/02/21    LCC RE Opening of Household Waste Recycling Centres    Forwarded by Email
26/02/21    YMCA News Bulletin     Can be forwarded on request
01/02/21    Revitalizing Rural RE Vision Campaign    Can be forwarded on request
01/02/21    LCC Community Hubs RE re-opening    Forwarded by Email
03/02/21    LCC Transport    Forwarded by Email
04/02/31    Methodist Chapel RE Library building    Forwarded by Email

Councillors accepted the list of correspondence and had no further questions.

20/159    Councillors’ reports

Cllr KO    Voiced concerns that volunteers had been spotted litter picking on Boston Road and also on the A17 laybys where they might be at danger from passing vehicles. Cllr ST responded that there was a professional cleaning team litter picking in areas that were seemed high risk and were covered by their own insurance.

Noted that the bins in the laybys on the A17 were constantly overflowing and not being emptied as regularly as they should, he suggested that more bins might be needed, or the bins would need to be emptied more regularly. Cllr MB explained that there might well be a backlog due to covid at the moment and suggested that Cllr GC might be able to chase this with Boston Borough Council.

Mentioned that speeding is becoming an increasing issue in the village at the moment.

ACTIONS: CLERK to ask Cllr GC to chase the issue with the bins.

Cllr ST    The grass verge on the sharp corner of Abbey Road has been accidentally dug up by the farmer; this was reported to the clerk and has already been dealt with. 

A bin on Coney Hill Layby has been hit by a vehicle and knocked from its base; litter has been cleared away and the broken bin reported on Fix my Street.

Cllr PP    Has reported a couple of potholes and some fly tipping on Fix my Street. Cllr RW responded to say that the fly tipping on Boston Road was actually the result of Wombling activity and was bags of collected waste awaiting collection from Boston Borough Council.

Cllr MB    Reported that the fishing platforms at Mackey’s Pit were ordered and in hand. Installation was arranged for later this week.

Cllr CT    Commented that the village is looking really clean at the moment thanks to the work of the Wombles. All Councillors agreed that this initiative seemed to be working really well.

Cllr CG    Voiced a concern that the new property on Abbey Road is already causing issues with regarding to parking, especially at school drop off times. Cllr KO commented that this had been forwarded to the planning department at planning stage. Cllr MB responded that we would have to wait to see how this situation develops then look for a solution.    

20/160    Clerk’s report

Clerk reminded Councillors that she has reduced flexibility regarding working practice due to other work commitments. Clerk also voiced concerns regarding the current state of affairs with regards to record keeping and outstanding jobs, especially with regards to finances with year-end fast approaching.

Clerk requested that if any Councillors were able to help out by volunteering to help out it would be much appreciated.


Update from Royal Mail regarding dropped elastic bands: Royal mail responded to say that the bands were dropped accidentally and to reassure us that the bands do disintegrate over a period of time. They have spoken to the staff to ensure they take more care in future and ask that we monitor the situation and refer back to them if necessary.

Complaint from member of the public RE there being nowhere in the village to let dogs off the lead to throw balls, etc: Following the Councillor’s decision in October last year to back the Poor Charity and Butlers Charity’s proposal to support for the Football Club, there is nowhere in the village for parishioners to play with dogs. I have invited the complainant to attend public forum or put a suggestion in writing.

New practice for members of the public wishing to join meeting: As a matter of course, all members of the public who request access to our meetings will be forwarded a good practice guide for public participation as well as our zoom protocol good practice guide.

Matters from last meeting:

20/130: Planning feedback sent to Boston Borough Council.

20/132: Road surface at Kings Crescent reported on Fix my Street; collapsed grid on Coles Lane reported to Lincolnshire County Council; letters of thanks sent to outgoing Councillors; bridge at footpath #8 reported to Countryside Access (This has been classified as Priority 3, meaning it will therefore be investigated and resolved subject to availability of resources. The bridge will remain open in the meantime).

20/135: Boston Borough Council advised to go ahead with work at lamp #1 at North End.

20/138: Matter of two new bins to be forwarded to this month. It would be great if a Councillor could volunteer or be nominated to work with clerk to resolve this matter.

20/140: Karen Cartwright has agreed to continue to represent the Parish Council on the Harlocks Charity.

20/141: Co-op are already involved in a project which will see defibrillators fitted at all of their rural stores later this year. It would be great if a Councillor could volunteer or be nominated to work with the clerk to resolve this situation.

20/161    An update regarding Swineshead Wombles, including the Annual Village Litter Pick (ST/MB)

Cllr ST gave a brief overview of work undertaken by the Swineshead Wombles: Currently over 40 people are signed up to the initiative. There has been a kit shortage from Boston Borough Council, but various donations have been received, including the Enhancement Society who kindly donated £100 for litter pickers. Cllr MB proposed that Swineshead Parish Council should match the Enhancement Society’s donation of £100 worth of PPE for the Wombles. This proposal was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved. 

The clerk asked for confirmation on whether correspondence from the Swineshead Wombles needed to come through the Parish Council. Councillors confirmed that this wasn’t the case.

ACTION: CLERK order additional PPE to the value of £100 in consultation with the Swineshead Wombles.

20/162    To discuss Coney Hill Layby, including a suggestion from a member of public (ST/MB)

Cllr ST presented a proposal to transform the Coney Hill layby into a covid reflection memorial using planting and benches with a view to tidying the area up and making it more inviting. He hoped that the project might attract funding and grants.

Councillors thought this was a good idea and agreed that the area was in need of attention, however Cllr MB reminded Councillors that the area was under Lincolnshire County Council jurisdiction and therefore would need to be consulted. Cllr KO suggested that due to nesting birds, this project might also have be postponed until Autumn.

ACTION: Cllr MB to arrange a meeting with LCC onsite at the layby to discuss a way forward.

20/163    To discuss the Northend Quadrant (RH)

Cllr RH suggested that a similar project to Coney Hill (item 20/162) could be implemented at the Northend Quadrant. Cllr RH felt it was a lovely area that is going to ruin and is in need of attention. 

Councillors tabled various ideas for the area including a sensory garden, a project area for Swineshead Pre-School, a wildflower area, etc. After much discussion, Councillors agreed that Swineshead Gardening Club should be consulted to see if they can support the development of the area into a reflection garden for the village. All agreed that it must be low maintenance.

ACTION: Cllr RW to contact Swineshead Gardening Club for their support and report to the next meeting.

Cllr RH proposed that the Council should be moved into closed session for the remaining two items on the agenda. The proposal was seconded by Cllr CT and it was resolved to move to closed session. Members of the public had already left the meeting, Council moved into closed session at Members of the public left the meeting at 20:38.

20/164    To discuss whether the Councillors should move to using dedicated email addresses for Parish Council matters

Following a discussion in closed session it was resolved that all Councillors would be issued with Council email addresses that should be used with immediate effect.

ACTION: CLERK to set up accounts and forward details individually to Councillors ASAP, including instructions to set up.

20/165    To discuss the applications for the position of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Following a discussion in closed session, it was resolved to continue to the next stage of interview with the candidate following the informal interview already undertaken.

ACTION: CLERK to arrange second interview with applicant. Matters regarding the induction and crossover period to be discussed in April meeting.

Meeting closed at 21:12