May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Swineshead Pre-School Centre
North End
PE20 3LZ
CHAIRMAN: Councillor Carl Gibbard
CLERK: Natalie Grant
Monday 24th May 2021
Cllr Roy Hilton, Cllr Carl Gibbard, Cllr Chelcei Trafford, Cllr Sean Trafford, Cllr Philippa Parnell, Cllr Mike Brookes.
Temporary Clerk, Natalie Grant, AND New Clerk Michelle Cound. Temporary Clerk took notes for the meeting.
Also present:
Two members of the public joined the meeting via Zoom, one member of the public struggled with the connection and disconnected soon after the meeting started.
Meeting started at 19:15 and followed on directly after the Annual Parish Meeting
21/001 To appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman (including signing of the declarations of office)
Cllr RH asked for nominations for Chairman. Cllr CT proposed for Cllr Carl Gibbard, no other nominations were received. The proposal was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved. Cllr CG signed the Declaration of Office, witnessed by the Clerk.
Cllr CG took over as Chairman from Cllr RH
Cllr CG asked for nominations for a Vice-Chairman. Cllr ST proposed Cllr CT, this was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved. Cllr CT signed the Declaration of Office, witnessed by the Clerk.
Cllr MB asked for it to be noted that, on behalf of the Councillors, he would like to thank the outgoing Chairman, Roy Hilton, for taking on the position of Chair at a very stressful time for the council and remarked on the excellent job that he and done under such pressure. All Councillors agreed. Cllr RH thanked the temporary Clerk for her support during his time as Chairman.
21/002 To receive apologies for absence and reasons given
Apologies received from Cllr GC who was attending a Boston Borough Council meeting, and Cllr KO who was unable to attend due to illness. Cllr RH proposed that the reasons for absence were accepted, Cllr ST seconded the proposal and it was resolved to accept the absences and reasons given.
Cllr RW joined the meeting at 19:20
21/003 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr CT declared an interest in all planning matters due to her involvement in the Boston Borough Council Planning Committee.
Cllr RH declared an interest in planning matter B/21/0228 due to his employer’s involvement in the application.
21/004 To receive a report of recent police activity in the village
PCSO Neil Williams sent apologies as he was unable to attend the meeting and sent a report of the following crimes since the last meeting:
14/04/21 Theft of pedal cycle, Abbey Road – Bicycle recovered nearby
23/04/21 Public Order offence, Michael Moses Way – under investigation
05/05/21 Criminal damage to dwelling, Kings Crescent – undetected
06/05/21 Theft, Co-op High Street – 2 arrested and charged
Councillors made no comment.
21/005 To agree whether the minutes of the meeting held on 21/04/21 are to be confirmed and signed an accurate record of the meeting.
Cllr MB proposed that the notes circulated from 21/04/2021 should be approved as minutes. This was seconded by Cllr RH and it was resolved that the notes were accepted as a true reflection of the meeting and signed by Cllr CG.
ACTION: CLERK to post minutes on noticeboard, website and Facebook.
21/006 Financial matters:
Review of Internal Audit and matters arising
Clerk reported that the internal audit had taken place and two recommendations had been received (internal audit report attached):
“The financial regulations need to be updated and then a system in place for them to be reviewed annually thereafter.
“The council should consider having more than one internal audit during the year (as recommended by LALC).”
Cllr CG proposed that both of these recommendations should be put in place, and the matters should be referred to the Finance Committee to be dealt with as soon as possible. Cllr RH seconded the proposal and it was resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to arrange a meeting of the Finance Committee as soon as possible to discuss these matters further.
To approve accounts for payment
The clerk reported that Cllr CG and Cllr ST had reviewed the following accounts for payment and approved them earlier in the day:
14/01/2021 |
LALC, membership |
£551.99 |
02/03/2021 |
LALC, Annual Training Scheme |
£125.00 |
12/04/2021 |
Black Sluice Drainage Fees |
£209.11 |
17/04/2021 |
Defib Central, Phonebox Cabinet |
£726.00 |
18/04/2021 |
SMV Contract Services, Grass Cutting |
£960.00 |
29/04/2021 |
Dewhurst Trophies, Gold Bars for Chains |
£45.00 |
30/04/2021 |
N Grant, Expenses |
£106.27 |
30/04/2021 |
Natalie Grant, Administration Costs |
£1,181.25 |
30/04/2021 |
Michelle Cound, Expenses |
£8.95 |
01/05/2021 |
Steve Holland, Gardener |
£360.00 |
03/05/2021 |
Gilrange, Office Rent |
£400.00 |
13/05/2021 |
Clerk's Clerical Service, Internal Audit |
£50.00 |
16/05/2021 |
SMV Contract Services, Grass Cutting |
£960.00 |
Cllr CG proposed that the accounts should be approved for payment, this was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to make payments as soon as possible.
To review and approve direct debits and standing orders for the financial year 2021/22:
The Clerk reported that the only Direct Debits and Standing Orders that were currently set up were as follows:
Direct Debit to BT for the telephone and internet connection at the Library/Community Hub (approx. £80pm)
Direct Debit to EE for the Parish mobile phone (approx. £20pm)
Standing Order to Swineshead Methodist Chapel for the rent of the Library/Community Hub room (£25pm)
Cllr MB proposed that these Direct Debits and Standing Orders should continue for 2021/22. This was seconded by Cllr RH and resolved.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to ensure that the Direct Debits and Standing Orders continue for 2021/22.
To agree and sign the External Audit paperwork and agree to submit to auditors:
The Clerk confirmed that the Internal Auditor had signed Internal Audit Report. She then read the Annual Governance Statement for the Councillors to confirm verbally. Cllrs CG and ST confirmed that they had read and confirmed the Accounting Statements and confirmed the dates of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights.
Cllr RH confirmed that he had completed the end of year bank reconciliation and that the accounting statements in the External Audit Report matched the reconciliation figures.
Cllr CG proposed that the External Audit paperwork was complete and signed accordingly, witnessed by the Clerk and with the Council present.
ACTION: CLERK to forward the paperwork to the External Auditors.
21/007 To consider the following planning matters:
B/21/0148: Rose Cottage, North End, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3LZ
Councillors had no objections.
B/21/0079: Glynndale, Church Lane, Swineshead, PE20 3HY
Councillors had no objections.
B/21/0188 Land adj to Dial House, Timms Drove, Low Grounds, Boston PE20 3PG
Councillors objected on the grounds of this being development in open countryside, outside of an area designated for building.
B/21/0228: Land Off Villa Lane, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3NG
Cllr RH left the room while this planning matter was discussed.
Councillors recommended that the footpath needs to be continuous for the entire length of the development and that the passing places need to be wider to allow for vehicles to pass each other easily.
B/21/0221: Poachers Cottage, Forefen Lane, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3HW
Councillors had no objections.
B/21/0184: Medani House, Fenhouses Drove, Swineshead, Boston PE20 3HF
Councillors had no objections.
B/21/0229: Tican Chilled, Station Road, Swineshead, Boston, PE20 3PN
Councillors had no objections.
Cllr MB Proposed that the Clerk should forward all planning comments to Boston Borough Council, this was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to forward comments to Boston Borough Council.
21/008 To consider the register of correspondence received since the last meeting
Boston Borough Council new releases (various) (to be forwarded on request)
Rural Services Network Bulletins (various) (to be forwarded on request)
LALC News (various) (to be forwarded on request)
CPRE Rural News (various) (to be forwarded on request)
20/04/21 LALC RE reduced Zoom licencing for remote meetings (no action)
20/04/21 Citizen’s Advice Bureau RE EU Settlement Scheme (via Cllr Mike Brookes) (shared on Facebook)
21/04/21 Network Rail East Midlands RE reduced speed restrictions at Swineshead Bridge (shared on Facebook)
22/04/21 LCC RE accessible bus timetables (shared on Facebook and Church Hall Noticeboard)
27/04/21 Member of Public RE grass cuttings on property (discussed, see below)
27/04/21 Member of Public RE grass cuttings on property (different to above) (discussed, see below)
27/04/21 Football Club RE fencing at football club (discussed, see below)
28/04/21 LCC RE Schools admissions changes (none in local area) (forwarded to Councillors via Email)
28/04/21 Network Rail RE closure at Swineshead Bridge (shared on Facebook)
28/04/21 LCC RE community litter picking scheme (forwarded to Cllr ST)
28/04/21 YMCA News (to be forwarded on request)
30/04/21 LALC RE safe meetings (advice taken into consideration for face-to-face meeting)
04/05/21 BBC RE Notice of Poll (shared on Facebook and posted on Church Hall Noticeboard)
06/05/21 LCC RE Emergency Traffic Restriction at Swineshead Bridge (shared on Facebook)
10/05/21 LALC RE Lincolnshire Environmental Awards (forwarded to Councillors via Email)
16/05/21 Boston Rural West Police Newsletter (forwarded to Councillors via Email)
19/05/21 Keep Britain Tidy RE Great British Spring Clean (forwarded to Cllr ST)
20/05/21 Citizen’s Advice Bureau RE EU Settlement Scheme (shared on Facebook)
20/05/21 Environment Agency RE Grass Cutting (shared on Facebook)
24/05/21 Email from Church Warden RE Tree in Church Yard and (as a MOP) to query why there wasn’t a Council Representative listed for the Library/Community Hub (discussed, see below)
RE grass cuttings on private properties: Councillors agreed that the best they could do in this matter was to remind the contractors and handyman to try and blow cuttings away from properties in the future. The Clerk reported that she had already advised for this to be the case and fed back to both members of public.
RE fencing at football club: Councillors agreed that this was not a matter for the Parish Council.
RE tree in church yard: Councillors agreed that this was not a matter for the Parish Council, Cllr RW agreed to liaise with Church Warden on this matter.
RE Council representative on Library/Community Hub: Councillor agreed that Cllr KO represented the Council regarding matters to do with the Library/Community Hub, however this should be discussed further under agenda item 17.
ACTIONS: CLERK to feedback to the Football Club, and the Church Warden.
21/009 To receive Clerk’s verbal report
Clerk reported that the workload is still very challenging, even with the temporary clerk and new clerk working together. To mitigate the current workload, “Councillor’s Reports” has been removed from this month’s agenda to stop new initiatives being introduced at the moment.
Going forward from this meeting, the temporary clerk will now be redesignated as “administration support” and the new clerk will officially take over as “responsible officer”.
Matters Arising:
20/170 Minutes from last meeting were published on Facebook and the noticeboard. The website is currently being updated by the new clerk and all missing agendas, minutes, etc will be added accordingly.
20/171 Accounts were sent to internal auditor, report received.
20/172 Boston Borough Council were informed of planning comments as agreed.
20/173 Regarding adopting a telephone box in the community, BT have confirmed that there are NO telephone boxes in Swineshead that are available for adoption.
Clerk has responded to the three members of the public regarding: rubber bands being dropped by the Postman (situation seems to be resolved); fencing at the football club not being under our remit; grass cutters making a mess of people’s private property.
Clerk forwarded a link to the BBC website for Councillors to review their pecuniary interests and local interests. Two Councillors have amended theirs accordingly. Other Councillors need to review. There are some that definitely need to be reviewed.
Play surfaces at the park – feedback from Councillor RH?
Donations requests to be discussed during this meeting.
20/174 RoSPA training had been suspended due to Covid restrictions, recent email forwarded to Councillors PP and RH to consider.
Gate at the park – feedback from Councillor MB: the gate is with M Hall and is ready to be collected, it was agreed that Cllr RW was to arrange pick up with Cllr ST.
Police matters brought to the meeting by Councillor ST were forwarded to the PSCO. Email from PSCO confirms that the parkin at Mackey’s Pit will be monitored, the van parking outside the new property on Abbey Road is not parked illegally so there is little that the police can do, speeding at High Green will be monitored.
20/176 Tenancy rent review forwarded to tenants. One year tenancy agreement set up as agreed with Mike Capps. All rent received.
20/179 Community Hub grant paperwork forwarded to LCC.
20/180 Feedback regarding Public Footpath #16 sent to LCC.
20/182 Pins for Civic Chains ordered and received.
20/184 Temporary lease agreed with Gilrange for Northend Offices. Also received feedback from the Church regarding the office at the Church Hall, this is not possible at the current time. Spoken to the Pre-School about the “community room” at the pre-school building, covenant on that room being used for the community has long since run out, and using that room as a community space is no longer feasible.
20/185 New defibrillator cabinet received TODAY. Clerk to arrange fitting and relevant signage ASAP.
20/186 Speeding initiative going well, first lot of speed awareness training has taken place. Clerk requested ST to feedback to Councillors.
20/188 Co-option has gone ahead as planned according to the new policy agreed at the last meeting.
20/189 Clerk’s contract to be agreed at this meeting.
21/010 To review and adopt Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
Cllr CG checked that all Councillors had reviewed the updated Standing Orders forwarded by email, and proposed that the Standing Orders should be accepted as the new constitution for the Parish Council. Cllr RH seconded this proposal and it was resolved.
The clerk advised Councillors that the updated Financial Regulations were near to completion and would be forwarded in due course, to be reviewed at the next full meeting.
ACTIONS: CLERK to upload reviewed Standing Orders to the website, ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to continue updating the Financial Regulations to table at the next meeting.
21/011 To agree and approve the updated Asset Register for 2021/22
Clerk reported that the Asset Register had only been updated on paper over the last few years, and no electronic version of the Asset Register could be found. Clerk advised that the Asset Register should be reviewed by the Finance Committee and brought back to the full Council at a future meeting. Cllr CG proposed that the Council follow the Clerk’s advice in the matter, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to arrange meeting of the Finance Committee ASAP to discuss the Asset Register.
21/012 To agree and adopt the Council’s Complaints Procedure
Clerk reported that no Complaint’s Procedure was currently in place and advised that a new procedure should be drafted based on LALC’s model document and brought back to the full Council to approve. The Clerk also advised that a policy for dealing with vexatious members of the public should be put in place. Cllr CG proposed that the Council follow the Clerk’s advice in both of these matters, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to draft a Complaints Procedure and policy for dealing with Vexatious Members of the Public and bring back to a future meeting.
21/013 To confirm arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks, and consider and take a decision on quotations for the Council’s insurance renewal due 1st June 2021
Councillors reviewed three like-for-like quotes that had been prepared by the clerk. Each provider had given a cost for a 1-year and a 3-year renewal. Cllr PP proposed that the quotation from BHIB on the three-year deal at £688.70 per year should be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr RH and resolved.
The Clerk suggested that the insurance might need to be reviewed once the new Asset Register is in place.
ACTION: CLERK to renew the Council’s Insurance with BHIB on a three year deal.
21/014 To review the delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, staff and other local authorities
Clerk reported that no scheme of delegation is currently in place to refer any decisions to the clerk or to any committees and suggested that advice should be sought from LALC to put this in place ASAP. Councillors reported that the only committee that is currently in place is the Finance Committee. Clerk suggested that an HR/Personnel should also be considered going forward, on the advice from LALC.
Cllr CG proposed that the Council follow the Clerk’s advice to put a Scheme of Delegation in place, and the matter of a new Personnel Committee should be discussed by the Finance Committee. This was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to draft a Scheme of Delegation and bring back to a future meeting. HR/Personnel Committee to be discussed by Finance Committee.
21/015 Matters relating to the Finance Committee:
Clerk reported that the Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee had not been updated since 2015 and needed to be reviewed urgently. The current Terms of Reference require that the committee should be formed of: The Chairman of the Council, the Vice-Chairman of the Council, the outgoing Chairman of the Council, a Borough Councillors and one other member.
Cllr CG proposed that the members of the Finance Committee should therefore be: Cllr CG, Cllr CT, Cllr RH, Cllr GC and Cllr MB, and that this first item on the agenda for the newly formed committee should be to review the Terms of Reference. This was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to arrange a meeting of the Finance Committee ASAP, ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to draft new Terms of Reference based on the LALC model document.
21/016 To review the arrangements, including charters and agency agreements, with other local authorities and review any contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities
Councillors were not sure what this agenda item refers to despite the Standing Orders suggesting that this should be a standing item of the agenda of the AGM. Cllr CG proposed that the Clerk should take advice from LALC and this agenda item should be forwarded to the next meeting. This was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to take advise from LALC and forward to June meeting.
21/017 To review representation on, or work with, external bodies and arrangements for reporting back
This was discussed and agreed during the Annual Parish Meeting which took place directly before this meeting; refer to minutes of Annual Parish Meeting for detail. Cllr CT suggested that the Christmas Celebrations Committee and the Library/Community Hub should also be added to the list of organisations who feed back to the Parish Council annually. This was seconded by Cllr ST and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to contact the Christmas Celebrations Committee Library/Community Hub Committee to discuss and agree reporting arrangements.
21/018 To review the Council’s and/or the Clerk’s subscriptions to other bodies
Subscription to LALC, and LALC’s Annual Training Scheme was already agreed at a prior meeting. Temporary Clerk suggested that the Council might consider that the new Clerk might need some additional support during her first year in post and that a subscription to SLCC at an approximate cost of £150 per year should be considered in addition to the LALC subscription. Cllr RH proposed that for one year, having access to both subscriptions would be a good idea to give the new clerk extra support, but also to review and compare the two organisations for future years. Cllr PP seconded the proposal and it was resolved to subscribe to SLCC for one year at the approximate cost of £150.
ACTION: CLERK to arrange the subscription to SLCC for one year
21/019 To review the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998
Clerk reported that no written procedure or policy for handling such requests was in place and this should be rectified as soon as possible. Cllr CG proposed that the Council follow the Clerk’s this matter, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to draft a procedure handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 and forward to future meeting for adoption.
21/020 To review the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media
Clerk reported that no policy was in place and this needed to be rectified as soon as possible. Cllr CG proposed that the Council follow the Clerk’s this matter, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to draft a policy for dealing with press/media and forward to future meeting for adoption.
21/021 To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council
The Clerk circulated a list of suggested dates for approval, following the usual format of 2nd Monday of each month (excluding August). Cllr CG proposed that the schedule should be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr RH and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to Post notice of proposed meetings on the website, noticeboard and Facebook.
21/022 To consider donation requests from: LIVES and Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue
Cllr MB proposed that a donation of £50 should be made to LIVES, this was seconded by Cllr CT and resolved.
Cllr RH proposed that a donation of £10 should be made to Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue, this was seconded by Cllr RW and resolved.
ACTION: CLERK to make relevant payments to LIVES and LLSR
21/023 To discuss the co-option of two new Councillors and agree on which TWO applicants should be invited to be co-opted
Cllr MB proposed that the Council should move into closed session to discuss the applications in further detail. This was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved. At 20:50 the camera and microphone was turned off and only Councillors, the Temporary Clerk and the New Clerk remained in the meeting.
Councillors discussed the applicants in detail according to their application forms during closed session.
At 21:00 the cameras and microphone were turned back on.
Councillors voted which two applicants would be awarded the vacant spaces on the Parish Council. Applicants Ian McClean and Jean Powell were successful. A note was made of the third place applicant in case either of the first two decline their Invitation.
ACTION: CLERK to invite Ian McClean and Jean Powell (in that order) to the Parish Council and invite them to the next meeting.
21/024 Update on the employment of the new clerk, including adopting the contract proposed by the temporary Clerk
Cllr CG proposed that the Council should move into closed session to discuss the applications in further detail. This was seconded by Cllr PP and resolved. At 21:10 the camera and microphone was turned off and only Councillors, the Temporary Clerk and the New Clerk remained in the meeting.
The new Clerk reported that she was a bit daunted about the amount of work that seemed to be outstanding but was excited to get started and was confident that with the additional administration support from the Temporary Clerk, that they could find a way forward. The new clerk also noted that she felt that the situation regarding the Parish Office being the place of work was a concern to her as this had not been the case when she was interviewed and she had been under the impression that she would be working from home.
New Clerk left the meeting at 21:15.
Cllr CG proposed that the contract should be accepted as it was with the place of work being the Parish Council Office, however some flexibility could be considered at the Clerk’s own cost if she chose to work from home. Cllr RH seconded this proposal and it was resolved to adopt the proposed contract.
ACTION: ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT to arrange for the contract to be signed by the New Clerk.
Meeting concluded at 21:25