February 2025 DRAFT Minutes
Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, held on Tuesday 18 February 2025, in the Swineshead Community Hub, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR
Present:) Councillors, Sean Trafford (Vice Chairman), Roger Welberry, Mike Brookes, Lisa Baldwin, Roy Hilton, David Lemon, and the Clerk.
Public Forum:
No public in attendance
Lincolnshire County Councillor: Mike Brookes
i. Signage & barrier at end of Boston Road, off A52; The enforcement officer is proceeding with this issue which may lead to a “Stopping up Order”
ii. Villa Lane; Traffic mirrors are not permitted by highways and the enforcement officer is investigating the fence line.
iii. A 2.99% council tax increase will be recommended at the next County Council full meeting.
Boston Borough Councillors: Suzanne Welberry and Stuart Evans
Apologies were received
The meeting was opened at: 19:07
1. Chairman’s remarks:
In the Chairman’s absence (Councillor Gibbard), the Vice Chairman (Councillor S Trafford) chaired the meeting
i. Councillor Trafford recognized the funeral of Councillor Ian Maclean as a meaningful tribute and sincerely thanked the members of the council for their attendance.
ii. An update was given for the proposed meeting with Richard Tice MP (RT)
The meeting on the 24 January was cancelled by the office of RT due to other commitments.
A new date of 21 February was suggested by the council, however there has been no confirmation email from RT, so the meeting will not go ahead
It was agreed that should the office of RT contact again, the council will ask them to suggest a date/time and to arrange a venue.
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were received from Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman) & Andy Lawrence
On proposal from Councillor Hilton, seconded by Councillor Welberry and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Welberry declared an interest in item 6.i
4. To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 January 2025 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor Welberry, seconded by Councillor Lemon and with no objections, all resolved to accept the minutes and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
5. Financial matters:
i. Bank Balances as of 31 January 2025
£20,122.73 community account including
Received: £3,234.40 Allotment rent
£71,021.47 to include £60.27 interest - Instant online
ii. To approve the following accounts:
On proposal from Councillor Baldwin seconded by Councillor Brookes and with no objections, all resolved to approve all payments
£ |
Mrs V Clark |
Reimbursement for gift from PC |
Kirton Flower Shop Order # 6484 |
£30.00 |
Approved 21/1/25 Item 1 |
EE |
Mobile |
January invoice V02307853563
£9.60 |
Paid DD 26/1/25 |
Independent Grab Company |
1 load of topsoil to Swineshead Layby Coney Hill |
Invoice 5159 to JC Builders |
£240.00 |
Paid |
Library Rent |
1 February 2025 |
£150.00 |
Paid DD 3/2/2025 |
Friends of St. Mary’s |
Archive & Community Hub |
1 February 2025 Inv. |
£200.00 |
Paid DD 3/2/2025 |
Gillrange Limited |
Community Hub & Council Office Rent |
1 February 2025 Inv. 17230 |
£350.00 |
Paid DD 3/2/2025 |
BT |
Broadband |
February 2025 M036 UG |
£50.28 |
Paid DD 14 February |
N Bush |
Payroll |
February Inv 10704 |
£15.00 |
To be approved |
Staff |
Costs |
February Payroll & Expenses |
£1450.24 |
To be approved
S Holland |
January Garden maintenance |
Invoice 18 |
£232.50 |
To be approved |
6. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council.
i. B/25/0040: (24/2) Proposed replacement custom-build dwelling at The Methodist Church Fenhouses Drove, PE20 3HF
Observations: Due to the heritage of the building, it is unfortunate that the building needs to be replaced due to flood damage and the uncertainty of this happening again, however the council understands that this is necessary
Objections: No objections
Comments and requests: If the application is approved, it is requested that a condition be included requiring the installation of swift boxes.
Received after the agenda was posted: Received & shared with all councillors on 12 February and consultee comments to be received by 5 March.
B/25/0062: Outline planning application with all matters reserved (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout & Scale) for 1 x self-build/custom build dwelling at Mirfield, Browns Drove, PE20 3PX
No observations or objections
Comments: If the application is approved, it is requested that a condition be included requiring the installation of swift boxes.
7. Clerks outstanding matters and correspondence:
Proposed “No Stopping” restrictions on Abbey Road, in the vicinity of the school. |
To receive any updates
Public consultation notices have been posted, this closes on 12 March
Armed Forces & Veterans Covenant |
To discuss receiving a talk about the council signing of the covenant.
The council will invite a speaker to explain the covenant and would like the British Legion to be included. If possible, this would be ideal before a meeting starts and convene at the earlier time of 6.45pm
Signs at Coles Lane & Mackays Pit |
To discuss the possibility of signs to help protect the geese and their young
A request has gone to the Highways Officer
8. Councillor’s and village reports, actions & updates:
Community Emergency Plan |
To receive any updates
1i. A form from the Lincolnshire Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Service was received regarding the Village Hall serving as a rest centre in the event of an emergency. Councillor S. Trafford completed and returned the form, and confirmation has been received that it has been submitted and updated in the emergency services system. ii. A few villages in the area have a joint Resilience and Emergency Group. Councillor Brookes will speak to them regarding Swineshead PC coming to a committee meeting discussing this.
Swineshead Community Centre |
To receive any updates and the Clerk to receive contact information
The Clerk sent an email to all councillors 4 Feb asking for contact information that she could share
i. To note: The name of the Hall is “Swineshead Village Hall” future agendas will show this
ii. Councillor Trafford will send the details for the Booking Clerk & Secretary to the Clerk of the Council, this will help the Clerk to pass on enquiries to the correct person
iii. Councillors Chelcei Trafford and Philippa Parnell are members of the Village Hall Committee
Community Hub, Library and Village Archive |
To receive any updates
Village Archive: 1. The most recent open Saturday was well attended, with 20–25 visitors stopping by. 2. The next open Saturday will be a full open day, taking place at St. Mary’s Church on 5 April 3. As part of the open day, V.E. Day celebrations will be held at the Church Hall on Saturday, May 10, featuring café-style seating outside, weather permitting. 4. The Village Archive is already beginning to outgrow its current space.
Community Hub: 1. No updates, other than that the space continues to be regularly used.
Library: 1. Saturday openings have seen low visitor numbers, and volunteers are considering whether to discontinue opening on this day.
9. Dates for the next meeting/s:
18 March 2025
15 April
20 May Annual meeting of the Parish Council
Wednesday 21 May
Annual Parish Meeting (Residents meeting), Church Hall, Market Place