January 2025 Minutes
Minutes taken by the Clerk, Mrs Victoria Clark, at the meeting of Swineshead Parish Council, held on Tuesday 21 January 2025, in the Swineshead Community Hub, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR
Present: Councillors, Carl Gibbard (Chairman), Sean Trafford (Vice Chairman) Roger Welberry, Mike Brookes, Chelcei Trafford, Lisa Baldwin, David Lemon, Philippa Parnell, and the Clerk.
Also Present:
Boston Borough Councillors Suzanne Welberry and Stuart Evans
Public Forum:
No public in attendance
Lincolnshire County Councillor: Mike Brookes
1. There is a LCC council tax consultation available online until the 28 January 2025
2. There have been no objections from statutory consultees to the proposed stopping restrictions in Abbey Road, this will now go out for public consultation
3. Signage at end of Boston Road, off A52, is ongoing with LCC highways and the legal department.
4. Mud on Boston Road, off A52, the public can and should report this on FixMyStreet, if vehicles are blocking the road, this should be reported to the police, both should be acted upon immediately the issue is seen.
Boston Borough Councillors: Suzanne Welberry and Stuart Evans
1. The planning enforcement department has written to Swan Lake Country Park regarding the newly erected signage
2. When a report from the surveyor regarding the proposed 122 houses in Station Road (B/24/0452) is received, the Parish Council will receive an update from the Borough Councillors. Villa Lane is part of LCC highways plan for this proposed development.
3. The planning application for the LHP site has been withdrawn
The meeting was opened at 19:18
1. Chairman’s remarks:
Councillor Gibbard shared the sad news of Councillor Ian Maclean's peaceful passing at home on Saturday. The members of the council expressed their heartfelt respects for their friend and colleague. It was agreed that the Chairman and Clerk would arrange for flowers and a card to be sent to Ian's wife as a gesture of sympathy and support.
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk or Chairman prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons were received from Councillors, Andy Lawrence and Roy Hilton
On proposal from Councillor C Trafford, seconded by Councillor R Welberry and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items
Councillor Gibbard declared an interest in Gillrange Limited
4. To approve as a correct record, the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 December 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On proposal from Councillor S Trafford, seconded by Councillor R Welberry and with no objections, all resolved to accept the minutes and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
5. Financial matters:
i. Bank Balances as of 31 December 2024
£20,279.44 Treasurers account including
£70,961.20 to include £54.39 interest - Instant online
ii. Precept request was submitted on 18 December 2024 & receipt received 19/12/24
iii. To approve the following accounts:
Both LALC payments will show on an April payments list for approval at the March meeting for payment on 1 April. If they are approved today, the Clerk can let LALC know when to expect payment.
On proposal from Councillor C Trafford seconded by Councillor Lemon and with no objections, all resolved to approve all payments
£ |
N Bush |
Payroll |
Inv. 10673 |
£15.00 |
Paid 18/12/2024 |
Swineshead Christmas Festival |
Donation |
Approved Item 5iii 17 December 24 |
£250.00 |
Paid 18/12/2024 |
EE |
Mobile |
December invoice |
£9.60 |
Paid DD 27/12/24 |
Library Rent |
1 January 2025 |
£150.00 |
Paid DD 2/1/2025 |
Friends of St. Mary’s |
Archive & Community Hub |
1 January 2025 Inv.91 |
£200.00 |
Paid DD 2/1/2025 |
Gillrange Limited |
Community Hub & Council Office Rent |
1 January 2025 Inv.17214 |
£350.00 |
Paid DD 2/1/2025 |
V Clark |
MS 365 Sub |
2025-26 |
£59.99 |
Paid 16/1/25 |
BT |
Broadband |
January M035 QU |
£50.28 |
Due DD 16 January |
SMV Contract Services |
November |
Invoice 1862 |
£588.00 |
To be approved |
N Bush |
Payroll |
January Inv10680 |
£15.00 |
To be approved |
Staff Costs |
Payroll & Expenses |
January |
£1,450.24 |
To be approved
S Holland |
December Garden maintenance |
Invoice 16 |
£248.00 |
To be approved |
2025-26 Subscription |
Invoice 15582 |
£697.68 |
To be approved |
2025-26 Training Scheme |
£210.00 |
To be approved |
6. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the district council.
1. B/24/0523: 13/01/25 - Proposed single storey parapet roof extension to rear The
Lodge, Baythorpe, PE20 3EZ
Report sent to planning 9/1/25: No issues, comments or objections
2. B/24/0529: 16/1/25 - Permission in principle for 1 new dwelling at Puzzledene, North
End, PE20 3NA
Report sent to planning 14/1/25: No objections were received regarding the application, however, the Council requests that, if the application is approved, a condition be included requiring the installation of swift boxes. Additionally, it has been observed that the proposed property access is located on a narrowing corner, which may warrant further consideration.
3. B/24/0527: 28/1/25 - Erection of a single dwelling & garage (Self-build) at Land of
Timms Drove, Low Grounds, PE20 3PG
No objections were given regarding the application, however, the Council requests that, if the application is approved, a condition be included requiring the installation of swift boxes.
4. B/25/0008: 30/1/25 - Construction of 4 x five-bedroom self/custom build dwellings with
associated parking spaces & amenity gardens at Rose Cottage Station Rd, PE20 3PB
No objections were received regarding the application, however, the Council requests that, if the application is approved, a condition be included requiring the installation of swift boxes.
7. Clerks outstanding matters and correspondence:
Proposed “No Stopping” restrictions on Abbey Road, in the vicinity of the school. |
To receive any updates
Councillor Brookes had updated the council in his County Councillor report, listed above
Meeting with Richard Tice |
To receive list of those attending
The Clerk received a call from the office of Mr Tice cancelling the meeting due to unexpected business.
The Clerk will be sent further dates
Boston Borough Council’s Budget & Council Tax Proposal 2025/26 LCC not BBC |
Council invited to complete a survey before 28 January
Councillor Brookes had updated the council in his County Councillor report, listed above
All members had been forwarded the email from LCC
Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club |
Talk on the Armed Forces Covenant
As soon as the council receive the artwork which is being produced, they will display it and add it to the council’s social media page and the council’s website including a link if there is one available.
There is a meeting at The Spirit of Endeavour every Saturday at 9am.
The council will discuss arranging a presentation on the covenant at a future meeting, followed by considering the signing of the covenant. https://www.armedforcescovenant.gov.uk
8. Councillor’s and village reports, actions & updates:
Community Emergency Plan |
To receive any updates and discuss members for the group
The plan is constantly being updated and it was suggested that a copy be printed and put in the filing cabinet.
Swineshead Community Centre |
To receive Auditors reports from 2020-21 to 2023-24
All members received a copy of the accounts
The clerk received an email from the Salvation Army to inform the council that they had been asked to remove their clothes bank, the reason given was they were not receiving any donations in the other clothes bank.
They are also looking into having the bottle banks and cardboard bank removed, if help is needed, they will be asked to write to the Parish council.
It was suggested that they might consider the banks being moved to another part of the land, they might find that if they are removed completely, fly tipping may occur.
Extra Bins in the village and next to the green Lockton Close/Hillcrest Gardens & Missing bin in Villa Lane |
To receive any updates
Borough Councillor S Welberry is following up on this
It was agreed that this can come off the agenda, the Council will receive any updates from Borough Councillor S Welberry at Parish Council meetings
Community Hub, Library and Village Archive |
To receive any updates
The village archive regularly has 15-20 people from within and outside of the village and information has been received dating back to 1695.
9. Date for the next meeting/s:
18 February and 18 March 2025
The Meeting was closed at 19:18
CHAIRMAN: ………………………………………… DATE: Tuesday, 18 February 2025