May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, held on Tuesday 16 May 2023 in the office of Swineshead Parish Council, 1-2 North End, Swineshead, PE20 3LR

Present: Councillor Carl Gibbard (Chairman), the Clerk to the council and 9 others 

The meeting opened at 19:00

1.   Chairman’s speech and introduction to the Members of the Parish Council  

Dear fellow residents of Swineshead, as Chairman of the Council, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to our Annual Parish Meeting, following the recent election we have seen some changes to the Parish Council. 
Keith Osbourne, Jean Powell, George Cornah and Chelcei Trafford, stood down and decided not to put themselves forward for re-election.

On behalf of the remaining councillors and the parishioners, I’d like to thank them for their service to the community. A special thanks to Keith who served for a great many years.

At the same time, I’d like to welcome a new face, Councillor David Lemon.

Over the past few years, we have faced many challenges, the global pandemic, political turmoil, the war in Ukraine and eye watering price increases in energy and food bills that have impacted us all.

As a Parish Council we have striven to keep the streetlights on and the verges cut, to address worries and concerns raised by parishioners and at the same time, improve the way in which the council works, making it fit for purpose in this, the 21st century.

I am please to report that we have also been able to buck the national trend by returning a modest decrease in the annual precept (-2.1%).

In the coming year, we will continue to work hard to make Swineshead an even better place to live. We will focus on maintaining local infrastructure, supporting local businesses and promoting community spirit through various community hub activities. We’ll also be addressing safety and environmental concerns, speeding, littering and dog fouling and on a more positive note, wild flower and tree planting.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas to help us make Swineshead an even stronger and more vibrant community.

2.   Notes from the Annual Parish meeting held on Monday 23 May 2022: To resolve as a correct record by those that attended last year’s meeting and for the Chairman of the meeting to sign the official minutes.

The new permanent clerk is unable to find where the temporary clerk had filed the minutes and all councillors did not receive them. On proposal from Councillor Maclean, seconded by Councillor Sean Trafford all agreed that these could not be resolved as a correct record at this meeting. 

3.   To receive a Council Financial report for 2022/2023

The report was available to those attending and no-one had any questions 

4.   To receive and accept accounts from the following Swineshead charities and organisations: 

i.   Swineshead Life 

ii.   John Butler Charity 

iii.   Swineshead Poor Charity

Accounts were passed to the Clerk

iv.   Village Hall Committee 

v.   Harlock’s Charity 

vi.   Swineshead Enhancement Society 

vii.   Swineshead Twinning Association

Accounts to follow

5.   To review council representatives for charity and organisation committees and agree on council representatives of each committee for 2023/24 

a)   John Butler Charity      Councillor Mike Brookes

b)   Harlocks Charity       Councillor Roy Hilton

c)   Village Hall         Councillor Carl Gibbard

d)   Enhancement Society    Councillors Philippa Parnel and Sean Trafford

e)   Church Hall          Councillor Carl Gibbard

f)   Archive group          Councillor Carl Gibbard
6.   Short comments and statements from residents  

Q: Is the Archive going to be available to everyone

A: Yes it will be stored electronically by scanning and a PC will be available to view. The next stage is to start a working group

The meeting was closed at 19:28