Maintenance taking place in your parish
We are writing to make you aware that either our Field Team, our contractors or the Internal Drainage Board will be carrying out scheduled maintenance work for the Environment Agency over the winter months in your parish and or ward. Please find attached information sheets which explains the work we are carrying out in your parish.
Please be aware that our maintenance work is subject to suitable environmental conditions and may change due to unforeseen circumstances, including incidents.
Please disseminate to all members of your parish and or ward.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I own a watercourse?
Find out more information here:
Is my area at risk of flooding?
Find out if your area is at risk of flooding, the current alerts and warnings that have been issued and sign up for free flood warnings here or call our Floodline service on 0345 988 1188. Sign up for flood warnings here:
An explanation about what flood warnings are and what to do is available here
Additionally, you can check the long-term flood risk for an area here:
You may find this document helpful on surface water flooding but if you do have concerns regarding surface water flooding, this will be addressed by your local authority.
Who maintains the flood risk asset near me?
Structures or features that help manage the risk of flooding or coastal erosion can be designated as a flood risk management asset. Please use the following government link to find out who is the maintainer of these assets:
What more can I do to protect my property?
You can find out how to put together Flood Plans for your home, business, or community here
If you think you are about to be flooded (i.e. flood warning or severe flood warning issued) then please:
Turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies, if it is safe to do so – do not touch an electrical switch if you’re standing in water
Move your family, vehicles, pets and important items to safety e.g. upstairs or higher ground
Use flood products if you have them e.g. flood barriers or air brick covers
Follow advice from the emergency services or local council – you may be asked to evacuate
For information on Flood Products to help reduce the impact of flooding on your home e.g. flood doors, airbrick covers, visit Alternatives include putting soil in bags to go across doorways, and down the toilet/sink.
You could prepare an Emergency Bag of essential items. This might include spare glasses, waterproof coat, medication and a copy of any recent prescription, water, food, insurance documents and pet food. You could consider hand sanitiser and a face covering too.
Do shop around to find the right insurance policy for you. Why not see if Flood Re can help – ? This is a joint initiative between Government and insurers aiming to make the flood cover part of household insurance policies more affordable. For advice about insurance look online here:
If you have any queries, please contact
Kind regards,
Asset Performance Team
Environment Agency